function ctools_plugin_api_get_hook

Find out what hook to use to determine if modules support an API.

By default, most APIs will use hook_ctools_plugin_api, but some modules want sole ownership. This technique lets modules define what hook to use.

2 calls to ctools_plugin_api_get_hook()
bulk_export_export in bulk_export/bulk_export.module
FAPI gateway to the bulk exporter.
ctools_plugin_api_info in includes/
Get an array of information about modules that support an API.


includes/, line 180


function ctools_plugin_api_get_hook($owner, $api) {
    // Allow modules to use their own hook for this. The only easy way to do
    // this right now is with a magically named function.
    if (function_exists($function = $owner . '_' . $api . '_hook_name')) {
        $hook = $function();
    elseif (function_exists($function = $owner . '_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name')) {
        $hook = $function();
    // Do this last so that if the $function above failed to return, we have a
    // sane default.
    if (empty($hook)) {
        $hook = 'ctools_plugin_api';
    return $hook;