function ctools_plugin_get_directories

Get a list of directories to search for plugins of the given type.

This utilizes hook_ctools_plugin_directory() to determine a complete list of directories. Only modules that implement this hook and return a string value will have their directories included.


$info: The $info array for the plugin as returned by ctools_plugin_get_info().

Return value

array An array of directories to search.

1 call to ctools_plugin_get_directories()
ctools_plugin_load_includes in includes/
Load plugins from a directory.


includes/, line 521


function ctools_plugin_get_directories($info) {
    $directories = array();
    foreach (module_implements('ctools_plugin_directory') as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_ctools_plugin_directory';
        $result = $function($info['module'], $info['type']);
        if ($result && is_string($result)) {
            $directories[$module] = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/' . $result;
    if (!empty($info['load themes'])) {
        $themes = _ctools_list_themes();
        foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
            if (!empty($theme->info['plugins'][$info['module']][$info['type']])) {
                $directories[$name] = drupal_get_path('theme', $name) . '/' . $theme->info['plugins'][$info['module']][$info['type']];
    return $directories;