function ctools_plugin_get_plugin_type_info

Return the full list of plugin type info for all plugin types registered in the current system.

This function manages its own cache getting/setting, and should always be used as the way to initially populate the list of plugin types. Make sure you call this function to properly populate the ctools_plugin_type_info static variable.

Return value

array A multilevel array of plugin type info, the outer array keyed on module name and each inner array keyed on plugin type name.

3 calls to ctools_plugin_get_plugin_type_info()
ctools_get_plugins in includes/
Fetch a group of plugins by name.
ctools_plugin_get_info in includes/
Ask a module for info about a particular plugin type.
_ctools_registry_files_alter in includes/
Implements (via delegation) hook_registry_files_alter().


includes/, line 354


function ctools_plugin_get_plugin_type_info($flush = FALSE) {
    static $drupal_static_fast;
    if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
        $drupal_static_fast['info_loaded'] =& drupal_static('ctools_plugin_type_info_loaded', FALSE);
        $drupal_static_fast['all_type_info'] =& drupal_static('ctools_plugin_type_info', array());
    $info_loaded =& $drupal_static_fast['info_loaded'];
    $all_type_info =& $drupal_static_fast['all_type_info'];
    // Only trigger info loading once.
    if ($info_loaded && !$flush) {
        return $all_type_info;
    $info_loaded = TRUE;
    $cache = cache_get('ctools_plugin_type_info');
    if (!empty($cache->data) && !$flush) {
        // Plugin type info cache is warm, use it.
        $all_type_info = $cache->data;
    else {
        // Cache expired, refill it.
        foreach (module_implements('ctools_plugin_type') as $module) {
            $module_infos = array();
            $function = $module . '_ctools_plugin_type';
            $module_infos = $function();
            foreach ($module_infos as $plugin_type_name => $plugin_type_info) {
                // Apply defaults. Array addition will not overwrite pre-existing keys.
                $plugin_type_info += array(
                    'module' => $module,
                    'type' => $plugin_type_name,
                    'cache' => FALSE,
                    'cache table' => 'cache',
                    'classes' => array(),
                    'use hooks' => FALSE,
                    'defaults' => array(),
                    'process' => '',
                    'alterable' => TRUE,
                    'extension' => 'inc',
                    'info file' => FALSE,
                    'hook' => $module . '_' . $plugin_type_name,
                    'load themes' => FALSE,
                $all_type_info[$module][$plugin_type_name] = $plugin_type_info;
        cache_set('ctools_plugin_type_info', $all_type_info);
    return $all_type_info;