function page_manager_get_operations

Take the operations array from a task and expand it.

This allows some of the operations to be dynamic, based upon settings on the task or the task's handlers. Each operation should have a type. In addition to all the types allowed in page_manager_render_operations, these types will be dynamically replaced with something else:

  • 'handlers': An automatically created group that contains all the task's handlers and appropriate links.
  • 'function': A callback (which will be placed in the 'function' parameter that should return an array of operations. This can be used to provide additional, dynamic links if needed.
3 calls to page_manager_get_operations()
page_manager_edit_page in page_manager/
Render the edit page for a a page, custom or system.
page_manager_edit_page_operation in page_manager/
Entry point to edit a single operation for a page.
page_manager_http_response_admin_summary in page_manager/plugins/task_handlers/


page_manager/, line 494


function page_manager_get_operations($page, $operations = NULL) {
    if (!isset($operations)) {
        // All tasks have at least these 2 ops:
        $operations = array(
            'summary' => array(
                'title' => t('Summary'),
                'description' => t('Get a summary of the information about this page.'),
                'path' => 'admin/structure/pages/edit',
                'ajax' => FALSE,
                'no operations' => TRUE,
                'form info' => array(
                    'no buttons' => TRUE,
                'form' => 'page_manager_page_summary',
            'actions' => array(
                'type' => 'group',
                'title' => '',
                'class' => array(
                'location' => 'primary',
                'children' => array(),
        if (isset($page->subtask['operations'])) {
            $operations += $page->subtask['operations'];
            // add actions separately.
            if (!empty($page->subtask['operations']['actions'])) {
                $operations['actions']['children'] += $page->subtask['operations']['actions']['children'];
        $operations['handlers'] = array(
            'type' => 'handlers',
    $result = array();
    foreach ($operations as $id => $operation) {
        if (empty($operation['type'])) {
            $operation['type'] = 'operation';
        switch ($operation['type']) {
            case 'handlers':
                $result[$id] = page_manager_get_handler_operations($page);
            case 'function':
                if (function_exists($operation['function'])) {
                    $retval = $function($page, $operation);
                    if (is_array($retval)) {
                        $result[$id] = $retval;
                $result[$id] = $operation;
    if (!empty($page->subtask['enable callback']) && !empty($page->subtask['disabled']) && empty($result['actions']['children']['enable'])) {
        $result['actions']['children']['enable'] = array(
            'title' => t('Enable'),
            'description' => t('Activate this page so that it will be in use in your system.'),
            'form' => 'page_manager_enable_form',
            'ajax' => FALSE,
            'silent' => TRUE,
            'no update and save' => TRUE,
            'form info' => array(
                'finish text' => t('Enable'),
    if (!empty($page->subtask['enable callback']) && empty($page->subtask['disabled']) && empty($result['actions']['children']['disable'])) {
        $result['actions']['children']['disable'] = array(
            'title' => t('Disable'),
            'description' => t('De-activate this page. The data will remain but the page will not be in use on your system.'),
            'form' => 'page_manager_disable_form',
            'ajax' => FALSE,
            'silent' => TRUE,
            'no update and save' => TRUE,
            'form info' => array(
                'finish text' => t('Disable'),
    $result['actions']['children']['add'] = array(
        'title' => t('Add variant'),
        'description' => t('Add a new variant to this page.'),
        'form' => 'page_manager_handler_add',
        'ajax' => FALSE,
        'silent' => TRUE,
        // prevents a message about updating and prevents this item from showing as changed.
'no update and save' => TRUE,
        // get rid of update and save button which is bad here.
'form info' => array(
            'finish text' => t('Create variant'),
    // Restrict variant import due to security implications.
    if (user_access('use ctools import')) {
        $result['actions']['children']['import'] = array(
            'title' => t('Import variant'),
            'description' => t('Add a new variant to this page from code exported from another page.'),
            'form' => 'page_manager_handler_import',
    if (count($page->handlers) > 1) {
        $result['actions']['children']['rearrange'] = array(
            'title' => t('Reorder variants'),
            'ajax' => FALSE,
            'description' => t('Change the priority of the variants to ensure that the right one gets selected.'),
            'form' => 'page_manager_handler_rearrange',
    // This is a special operation used to configure a new task handler before
    // it is added.
    if (isset($page->new_handler)) {
        $plugin = page_manager_get_task_handler($page->new_handler->handler);
        $result['actions']['children']['configure'] = array(
            'title' => t('Configure'),
            'description' => t('Configure a newly created variant prior to actually adding it to the page.'),
            'ajax' => FALSE,
            'no update and save' => TRUE,
            // get rid of update and save button which is bad here.
'form info' => array(
                // We use our own cancel and finish callback to handle the fun stuff.
'finish callback' => 'page_manager_handler_add_finish',
                'cancel callback' => 'page_manager_handler_add_cancel',
                'show trail' => TRUE,
                'show back' => TRUE,
                'finish text' => t('Create variant'),
            'form' => array(
                'forms' => $plugin['forms'],
        foreach ($page->forms as $id) {
            if (isset($plugin['add features'][$id])) {
                $result['actions']['children']['configure']['form']['order'][$id] = $plugin['add features'][$id];
            elseif (isset($plugin['required forms'][$id])) {
                $result['actions']['children']['configure']['form']['order'][$id] = $plugin['required forms'][$id];
    if ($page->locked) {
        $result['actions']['children']['break-lock'] = array(
            'title' => t('Break lock'),
            'description' => t('Break the lock on this page so that you can edit it.'),
            'form' => 'page_manager_break_lock',
            'ajax' => FALSE,
            'no update and save' => TRUE,
            // get rid of update and save button which is bad here.
'form info' => array(
                'finish text' => t('Break lock'),
            'even locked' => TRUE,
            // show button even if locked
'silent' => TRUE,
    drupal_alter('page_manager_operations', $result, $page);
    return $result;