function _ctools_block_get_module_delta

4 calls to _ctools_block_get_module_delta()
ctools_block_content_type_admin_info in plugins/content_types/block/
Output function for the 'block' content type. Outputs a block based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration.
ctools_block_content_type_admin_title in plugins/content_types/block/
Returns the administrative title for a type.
ctools_block_content_type_render in plugins/content_types/block/
Output function for the 'block' content type. Outputs a block based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration.
ctools_user_login_pane_render in plugins/content_types/block/


plugins/content_types/block/, line 251


function _ctools_block_get_module_delta($subtype, $conf) {
    if (strpos($subtype, '-')) {
        return explode('-', $subtype, 2);
    else {
        return array(