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 * @file
 * Handle rendering entity fields as panes.
$plugin = array(
    'title' => t('Entity field'),
    'defaults' => array(
        'label' => '',
        'formatter' => '',
    'content type' => 'ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_type',

 * Just one subtype.
 * Ordinarily this function is meant to get just one subtype. However, we are
 * using it to deal with the fact that we have changed the subtype names. This
 * lets us translate the name properly.
function ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_type($subtype) {
    $types = ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_types();
    if (isset($types[$subtype])) {
        return $types[$subtype];

 * Return all field content types available.
function ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_types() {
    // This will hold all the individual field content types.
    $types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (isset($types)) {
        return $types;
    $types = array();
    $content_types = array();
    $entities = entity_get_info();
    $field_instances = field_info_instances();
    foreach ($entities as $entity_type => $entity) {
        foreach ($entity['bundles'] as $type => $bundle) {
            if (!isset($field_instances[$entity_type][$type])) {
            foreach ($field_instances[$entity_type][$type] as $field_name => $field) {
                if (!isset($types[$entity_type . ':' . $field_name])) {
                    $types[$entity_type . ':' . $field_name] = array(
                        'category' => t('Form'),
                        'icon' => 'icon_field.png',
                        'title' => t('Field form: @widget_label', array(
                            '@widget_label' => t($field['label']),
                        'description' => t('Field on the referenced entity.'),
                $content_types[$entity_type . ':' . $field_name]['types'][$type] = $bundle['label'];
    if (module_exists('field_group')) {
        foreach ($entities as $entity_type => $entity) {
            foreach ($entity['bundles'] as $type => $bundle) {
                if ($group_info = field_group_info_groups($entity_type, $type, "form")) {
                    foreach ($group_info as $group_name => $group) {
                        if (!isset($types[$entity_type . ':' . $group_name])) {
                            $types[$entity_type . ':' . $group_name] = array(
                                'category' => t('Form'),
                                'icon' => 'icon_field.png',
                                'title' => t('Group form: @widget_label', array(
                                    '@widget_label' => $group->label,
                                'description' => t('Field group on the referenced entity.'),
                        $content_types[$entity_type . ':' . $group_name]['types'][$type] = $bundle['label'];
    // Create the required context for each field related to the bundle types.
    foreach ($types as $key => $field_content_type) {
        list($entity_type, $field_name) = explode(':', $key, 2);
        $types[$key]['required context'] = new ctools_context_required(t(ucfirst($entity_type)), $entity_type, array(
            'form' => array(
            'type' => array_keys($content_types[$key]['types']),
    return $types;

 * Render the custom content type.
function ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, $context) {
    if (empty($context) || empty($context->data)) {
    // Get a shortcut to the entity.
    $entity = $context->data;
    list($entity_type, $field_name) = explode(':', $subtype, 2);
    // Load the entity type's information for this field.
    $ids = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    $field = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $ids[2]);
    // Check for field groups.
    if (empty($field) && module_exists('field_group')) {
        $groups = field_group_info_groups($entity_type, $entity->type, "form");
        $group = !empty($groups[$field_name]) ? $groups[$field_name] : NULL;
    // Do not render if the entity type does not have this field or group.
    if (empty($field) && empty($group)) {
    $block = new stdClass();
    if (isset($context->form)) {
        $block->content = array();
        if (!empty($field)) {
            $block->content[$field_name] = $context->form[$field_name];
        else {
            // Pre-render the form to populate field groups.
            if (isset($context->form['#pre_render'])) {
                foreach ($context->form['#pre_render'] as $function) {
                    if (function_exists($function)) {
                        $context->form = $function($context->form);
            $block->content[$field_name] = $context->form[$field_name];
    else {
        $block->content = t('Entity info.');
    return $block;

 * Returns the administrative title for a type.
function ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_admin_title($subtype, $conf, $context) {
    // Return early because we don't have context to build this field from.
    if (!$context || !isset($context->identifier)) {
        watchdog('ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_admin_title', 'Context is missing for field: @name', array(
            '@name' => $subtype,
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
        return t('Deleted/missing field @name', array(
            '@name' => $subtype,
    list($entity_type, $field_name) = explode(':', $subtype, 2);
    if (!empty($context->restrictions)) {
        $field = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $context->restrictions['type'][0]);
        // Check for field groups.
        if (empty($field) && module_exists('field_group')) {
            $groups = field_group_info_groups($entity_type, $context->restrictions['type'][0], 'form');
            $group = !empty($groups[$field_name]) ? $groups[$field_name] : NULL;
            $field = array(
                'label' => isset($group->label) ? $group->label : $subtype,
    else {
        $field = array(
            'label' => $subtype,
    return t('"@s" @field form', array(
        '@s' => $context->identifier,
        '@field' => $field['label'],
function ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_edit_form($form, &$form_state) {
    // Provide a blank form so we have a place to have context setting.
    return $form;


Title Deprecated Summary
ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_admin_title Returns the administrative title for a type.
ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_type Just one subtype.
ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_content_types Return all field content types available.
ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_render Render the custom content type.