function FormWizardInterface::getOperations

Same name in other branches
  1. 4.0.x src/Wizard/FormWizardInterface.php \Drupal\ctools\Wizard\FormWizardInterface::getOperations()

Retrieve a list of FormInterface classes by their step key in the wizard.


mixed $cached_values: The values returned by $this->getTempstore()->get($this->getMachineName()); *.

Return value

array An associative array keyed on the step name with an array value with the following keys:

  • title (string): Human-readable title of the step.
  • form (string): Fully-qualified class name of the form for this step.
  • values (array): Optional array of cached values to override when on this step.
  • validate (array): Optional array of callables to be called when this step is validated.
  • submit (array): Optional array of callables to be called when this step is submitted.
6 calls to FormWizardInterface::getOperations()
EntityFormWizardBase::customizeForm in src/Wizard/EntityFormWizardBase.php
Helper function for generating label and id form elements.
FormWizardBase::actions in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
Generates action elements for navigating between the operation steps.
FormWizardBase::getNextParameters in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
The Route parameters for a 'next' step.
FormWizardBase::getOperation in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
Retrieve the current Operation.
FormWizardBase::getPreviousParameters in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
The Route parameters for a 'previous' step.

... See full list

4 methods override FormWizardInterface::getOperations()
EntityEditWizard::getOperations in tests/modules/ctools_wizard_test/src/Wizard/EntityEditWizard.php
Retrieve a list of FormInterface classes by their step key in the wizard.
EntityEditWizardTest::getOperations in tests/modules/ctools_wizard_test/src/Wizard/EntityEditWizardTest.php
Retrieve a list of FormInterface classes by their step key in the wizard.
EntityWizard::getOperations in tests/modules/ctools_wizard_test/src/Wizard/EntityWizard.php
Retrieve a list of FormInterface classes by their step key in the wizard.
WizardTest::getOperations in tests/modules/ctools_wizard_test/src/Wizard/WizardTest.php
Retrieve a list of FormInterface classes by their step key in the wizard.


src/Wizard/FormWizardInterface.php, line 83


Form wizard interface.




public function getOperations($cached_values);