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 * Test ctools_cache_find_plugin and the structure of the default cache plugins.
class CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins extends DrupalWebTestCase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Object cache storage (unit tests)',
            'description' => 'Verify that objects are written, readable and lockable.',
            'group' => 'ctools',
            'dependencies' => array(
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setUp(array $modules = array()) {
        $modules[] = 'ctools';
     * Check that the supplied array looks like a ctools cache plugin.
     * @param mixed $p
     *   The value to check.
     * @param string $msg
     *   Prefix of the assertion message.
    public function assertValidCachePlugin($p, $msg) {
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($p), $msg . ': plugin is an array');
        $this->assertEqual($p['plugin type'], 'cache', $msg . ': type is cache');
        $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('title', $p), $msg . ': title element exists');
        $this->assertTrue(!empty($p['title']) && is_string($p['title']), $msg . ': title is a string');
        $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('cache get', $p), $msg . ': has a get function');
        $this->assertTrue(!empty($p['cache get']) && is_callable($p['cache get']), $msg . ': get is executable');
        $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('cache set', $p), $msg . ': has a set function');
        $this->assertTrue(!empty($p['cache set']) && is_callable($p['cache set']), $msg . ': set is executable');
        // @todo Clear is required by the spec (cache.inc:40..48): but export_ui
        // cache doesn't implement it. Enable the assertions when that problem is
        // solved.
        // $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('cache clear', $p), $msg . ': has a clear function');
        // $this->assertTrue(is_callable($p['cache clear']), $msg . ': clear is executable');
        // @todo Break is optional acc'd to spec but does anything implement it?
        $this->assertTrue(!array_key_exists('cache break', $p) || is_callable($p['cache break']), $msg . ': break is executable');
        // @todo Finalize is optional so don't fail if not there??
        $this->assertTrue(!array_key_exists('cache finalize', $p) || is_callable($p['cache finalize']), $msg . ': finalize is executable');
     * Check the return value of the ctools_cache_find_plugin function.
     * @param mixed $p
     *   The value to check.
     * @param string $msg
     *   Prefix of the assertion message.
    public function assertPluginNotFound($p, $msg) {
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($p), $msg . ': is an array');
        $plugin = array_shift($p);
        $this->assertNull($plugin, $msg . ': no plugin info');
        $data = array_shift($p);
        $this->assertTrue(empty($data) || is_string($data), $msg . ': data string-like');
        $this->assertTrue(empty($p), $msg . ': just two elements');
     * Check the return value of the ctools_cache_find_plugin function.
     * @param mixed $p
     *   The value to check.
     * @param string $msg
     *   Prefix of the assertion message.
    public function assertPluginFound($p, $msg) {
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($p), $msg . ': is an array');
        $plugin = array_shift($p);
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($plugin), $msg . ': has plugin data');
        $data = array_shift($p);
        $this->assertTrue(empty($data) || is_string($data), $msg . ': data is string-like');
        $this->assertTrue(empty($p), $msg . ': just two elements');
     * Test to see that we can find the standard simple plugin.
    public function testFindSimpleCachePlugin() {
        // The simple plugin.
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('simple');
        $this->assertPluginFound($plugin, 'The Simple Cache plugin is present');
        $this->assertValidCachePlugin($plugin[0], 'The Simple Cache plugin');
        // The simple plugin, with ::.
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('simple::data');
        $this->assertPluginFound($plugin, 'The Simple Cache plugin is present, with data');
     * Test to see that we can find the standard export_ui plugin.
    public function testFindExportUICachePlugin() {
        // The export plugin.
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('export_ui');
        $this->assertPluginFound($plugin, 'The Export UI Cache plugin is present');
        $this->assertValidCachePlugin($plugin[0], 'The Export Cache plugin');
        // The export plugin, with ::.
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('export_ui::data');
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($plugin), 'The Export UI Cache plugin is present, with data');
     * Test to see that we don't find plugins that aren't there.
    public function testFindFoobarbazCachePlugin() {
        // An imaginary foobarbaz plugin.
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('foobarbaz');
        $this->assertPluginNotFound($plugin, 'The Foobarbaz Cache plugin is absent');
        $plugin = ctools_cache_find_plugin('foobarbaz::data');
        $this->assertPluginNotFound($plugin, 'The Foobarbaz Cache plugin is absent, with data');



Title Deprecated Summary
CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins Test ctools_cache_find_plugin and the structure of the default cache plugins.