function views_content_admin_form

1 call to views_content_admin_form()
views_content_admin_page in views_content/views_content.module
Page callback to provide the basic administration form.
1 string reference to 'views_content_admin_form'
views_content_views_panes_ctools_content_types in views_content/plugins/content_types/
Implements hook_ctools_content_types()


views_content/views_content.module, line 151


function views_content_admin_form(&$form) {
    $form['ctools_content_all_views'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Make all views available as panes'),
        '#description' => t("If checked, all views will be made available as content panes to be added to content types. If not checked, only Views that have a 'Content pane' display will be available as content panes. Uncheck this if you want to be able to more carefully control what view content is available to users using the panels layout UI."),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('ctools_content_all_views', TRUE),