function views_content_exposed_form_pane_edit

Add settings to the "exposed form in block" views.

1 string reference to 'views_content_exposed_form_pane_edit'
views_ctools_block_info in views_content/views_content.module
Don't show Views' blocks; we expose them already.


views_content/views_content.module, line 68


function views_content_exposed_form_pane_edit($form, &$form_state) {
    // This is a cheesy way to add defaults only to new versions of the block
    // but leave older blocks without the setting alone. We can tell because
    // all older content will have something set for override_title which is
    // the only pre-existing setting.
    if (!isset($form_state['conf']['inherit_path']) && !isset($form_state['conf']['override_title'])) {
        $form_state['conf']['inherit_path'] = TRUE;
    $form['inherit_path'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Inherit path'),
        '#default_value' => !empty($form_state['conf']['inherit_path']),
    return $form;