function devel_export

Same name in other branches
  1. 4.x devel.module \devel_export()

Returns a string representation of a variable.

Wrapper for DevelDumperManager::export().


mixed $input: The variable to dump.

string $name: (optional) The label to output before variable, defaults to NULL.

string $plugin_id: (optional) The plugin ID, defaults to NULL.

Return value

string String representation of a variable.

See also


1 string reference to 'devel_export'
DevelDumperBase::getInternalFunctions in src/DevelDumperBase.php
Returns a list of internal functions.


./devel.module, line 321


function devel_export($input, $name = NULL, $plugin_id = NULL) {
    return Drupal::service('devel.dumper')->export($input, $name, $plugin_id);