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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::create | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getCancelUrl | function | core/ |
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getConfirmText | function | core/ |
Returns a caption for the button that confirms the action. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getFormId | function | core/ |
Returns a unique string identifying the form. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getQuestion | function | core/ |
Returns the question to ask the user. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::submitForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new UserMultipleCancelConfirm. |
UserNameConstraint::$multipleSpacesMessage | property | core/ |
ValidatorsTest::testMultipleHtmlRestrictingFilters | function | core/ |
Tests that validation works with >1 enabled HTML restrictor filters. |
views.view.test_form_multiple.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/views/tests/modules/views_test_config/test_views/views.view.test_form_multiple.yml |
ViewsDataTest::testCacheCallsWithoutWarmCacheAndGetMultipleTables | function | core/ |
Tests the cache calls for multiple tables without warm caches. |
ViewsDataTest::testCacheCallsWithSameTableMultipleTimes | function | core/ |
Tests the cache backend behavior with requesting the same table multiple. |
ViewsDataTest::testCacheCallsWithSameTableMultipleTimesAndWarmCache | function | core/ |
Tests the cache calls for a single table and warm cache. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest | class | core/ |
Tests a page with multiple Views forms. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest.php | file | core/ |
ViewsFormMultipleTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest::$testViews | property | core/ |
Views used by this test. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Sets up the test. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest::testViewsFormMultiple | function | core/ |
Tests the a page with multiple View forms in it. |
ViewsFormMultipleTest::viewsData | function | core/ |
Returns the views data definition. |
ViewsTestFormMultipleController | class | core/ |
Controller routines for views form multiple test routes. |
ViewsTestFormMultipleController.php | file | core/ |
ViewsTestFormMultipleController::testPage | function | core/ |
Returns a test page having test_form_multiple view embedded twice. |
views_test_data_form_views_form_test_form_multiple_default_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). |
ViewUI::loadMultiple | function | core/ |
Loads one or more entities. |
VocabularyCrudTest::testTaxonomyVocabularyLoadMultiple | function | core/ |
Tests for loading multiple vocabularies. |
VocabularyInterface::HIERARCHY_MULTIPLE | constant | core/ |
Denotes that one or more terms in the vocabulary have multiple parents. |
WidgetBase::formMultipleElements | function | core/ |
Special handling to create form elements for multiple values. |
WidgetBase::handlesMultipleValues | function | core/ |
Returns whether the widget handles multiple values. |
Workflow::loadMultipleByType | function | core/ |
Loads all workflows of the provided type. |
WorkspacesContentModerationStateTest::testContentModerationMultipleEntityTypesWithWorkspaces | function | core/ |
Publish a workspace with multiple entities from different entity types. |
_field_multiple_value_form_sort_helper | function | core/ |
Callback for usort() within template_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form(). |
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