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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::$service | property | core/ |
The real proxied service, after it was lazy loaded. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::applies | function | core/ |
Determines if the converter applies to a specific route and variable. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::applies | function | core/ |
Determines if the converter applies to a specific route and variable. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::convert | function | core/ |
Converts path variables to their corresponding objects. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::convert | function | core/ |
Converts path variables to their corresponding objects. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::lazyLoadItself | function | core/ |
Lazy loads the real service from the container. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a ProxyClass Drupal proxy object. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new EntityConverter. |
AdminPathEntityConverterLanguageTest::testConfigUsingCurrentLanguage | function | core/ |
Tests the translated and untranslated config entities are loaded properly. |
AdminTest::testConfigBlocksDescription | function | core/ |
Tests admin config page blocks without descriptions. |
AdminUiTest::testLanguageConfigForm | function | core/ |
Tests the language config form. |
AdvancedSettingsForm::getEditableConfigNames | function | core/ |
Gets the configuration names that will be editable. |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber | class | core/ |
Defines a config subscriber for changes to 'system.advisories'. |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber::$securityAdvisoriesFetcher | property | core/ |
The security advisory fetcher service. |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Deletes the stored response from the security advisories feed, if needed. |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new ConfigSubscriber object. |
AjaxBasePageNegotiator::$configFactory | property | core/ |
The config factory. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor::$config | property | core/ |
A config object for the system performance configuration. |
AjaxTestImageEffect::buildConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
AjaxTestImageEffect::defaultConfiguration | function | core/ |
Gets default configuration for this plugin. |
AjaxTestImageEffect::submitConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Alignment::buildConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form for choosing which alignment types are available. |
Alignment::defaultConfiguration | function | core/ |
Alignment::DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION | constant | core/ |
The default configuration for this plugin. |
Alignment::getDynamicPluginConfig | function | core/ |
Filters the alignment options to those chosen in editor config. |
Alignment::submitConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Alignment::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
AlignmentPluginTest::providerGetDynamicPluginConfig | function | core/ |
Provides a list of configs to test. |
AlignmentPluginTest::testGetDynamicPluginConfig | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDynamicPluginConfig @dataProvider providerGetDynamicPluginConfig |
AnnounceFetcher::$config | property | core/ |
The configuration settings of this module. |
AnnounceTestController::setFeedConfig | function | core/ |
Reads a JSON file and returns the contents as a Response. |
ArgumentsConfigArrayKey | class | core/ |
A stub class used by testGetInstanceArguments(). |
ArgumentsConfigArrayKey::__construct | function | core/ |
AssertConfigEntityImportTrait | trait | core/ |
Provides test assertions for testing config entity synchronization. |
AssertConfigEntityImportTrait.php | file | core/ |
AssertConfigEntityImportTrait::assertConfigEntityImport | function | core/ |
Asserts that a config entity can be imported without changing it. |
AssertConfigTrait | trait | core/ |
Trait to help with diffing config. |
AssertConfigTrait.php | file | core/ |
AssertConfigTrait::assertConfigDiff | function | core/ |
Ensures that a specific config diff does not contain unwanted changes. |
AssignOwnerNode::buildConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form constructor. |
AssignOwnerNode::defaultConfiguration | function | core/ |
Gets default configuration for this plugin. |
AssignOwnerNode::submitConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
AssignOwnerNode::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
AttachedAssetsTest::testLibraryNameConflicts | function | core/ |
Tests that multiple modules can implement libraries with the same name. |
AutoconfigurationTest | class | core/ |
Tests autoconfiguration of services. |
AutoconfigurationTest.php | file | core/ |
AutoconfigurationTest::testCoreServiceTags | function | core/ |
Tests that core services do not use tags if autoconfiguration is enabled. |
AutomatedCron::$config | property | core/ |
The cron configuration. |
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