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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldDefinitionCreate | function | core/ |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldDefinitionDelete | function | core/ |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate | function | core/ |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete | function | core/ |
ContentEntityStorageBase::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
ContentEntityTest::migrationDefinition | function | core/ |
Get a migration definition. |
ContentModerationState::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
ContentModerationStateTest::$entityDefinitionUpdateManager | property | core/ |
The entity definition update manager. |
ContentTranslationContextualLinks::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
ContentTranslationHandler::$fieldStorageDefinitions | property | core/ |
Installed field storage definitions for the entity type. |
ContentTranslationHandler::checkFieldStorageDefinitionTranslatability | function | core/ |
Checks the field storage definition for translatability support. |
ContentTranslationHandler::getFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
ContentTranslationHandlerInterface::getFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
Returns a set of field definitions to be used to store metadata items. |
ContentTranslationLocalTasks::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
Context::$contextDefinition | property | core/ |
The definition to which a context must conform. |
Context::$contextDefinition | property | core/ |
The definition to which a context must conform. |
Context::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Context::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginDefinition | class | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface for plugin definitions which use contexts. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface.php | file | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::addContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Adds a context to this plugin definition. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Returns a particular context definition for this plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::getContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
Returns all context definitions for this plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::hasContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Checks if the plugin defines a particular context. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::removeContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Removes a context definition from this plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait | trait | core/ |
Provides a trait for context-aware object-based plugin definitions. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait.php | file | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::$contextDefinitions | property | core/ |
The context definitions for this plugin definition. |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::addContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::addContextDefinition(). |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::getContextDefinition(). |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::getContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::getContextDefinitions(). |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::hasContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::hasContextDefinition(). |
ContextAwarePluginDefinitionTrait::removeContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface::removeContextDefinition(). |
ContextAwarePluginInterface::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets a specific context definition of the plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginInterface::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets a specific context definition of the plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginInterface::getContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the context definitions of the plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginInterface::getContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the context definitions of the plugin. |
ContextAwarePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionsForContexts | function | core/ |
Determines plugins whose constraints are satisfied by a set of contexts. |
ContextAwarePluginManagerTrait::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
See \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\DiscoveryInterface::getDefinitions(). |
ContextAwarePluginManagerTrait::getDefinitionsForContexts | function | core/ |
See \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextAwarePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionsForContexts(). |
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
ContextAwarePluginTraitTest::testGetContextDefinition | function | core/ |
@covers ::getContextDefinition |
ContextAwarePluginTraitTest::testGetContextDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getContextDefinitions |
ContextDefinition | class | core/ |
Defines a context definition annotation object. |
ContextDefinition | class | core/ |
Defines a class for context definitions. |
ContextDefinition.php | file | core/ |
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