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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
FormatterPluginManager::$formatterOptions | property | core/ |
An array of formatter options for each field type. |
FormatterPluginManager::getOptions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of formatter options for a field type. |
FormTestSelectForm::makeSortableOptions | function | core/ |
Makes and returns a set of options to test sorting on. |
form_get_options | function | core/ |
Returns the indexes of a select element's options matching a given key. |
form_select_options | function | core/ |
Converts the options in a select element into a structured array for output. |
Full::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Full::defineOptions | function | core/ |
Grid::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Grid::defineOptions | function | core/ |
GridResponsive::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
GridResponsive::defineOptions | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::defineOptions | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::submitOptionsForm | function | core/ |
When the form is submitted, make sure to clear the subquery string cache. |
Handler::$manageOptions | property | composer/ |
The scaffold options in the top-level composer.json's 'extra' section. |
HandlerBase::buildExtraOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Provide a form for setting options. |
HandlerBase::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
HandlerBase::defaultExposeOptions | function | core/ |
Set new exposed option defaults when exposed setting is flipped on. |
HandlerBase::defineExtraOptions | function | core/ |
Provide defaults for the handler. |
HandlerBase::defineOptions | function | core/ |
HandlerBase::hasExtraOptions | function | core/ |
Determines if the handler has extra options. |
HandlerBase::submitExtraOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. |
HandlerBase::submitFormCalculateOptions | function | core/ |
Calculates options stored on the handler. |
HandlerBase::validateExtraOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Validate the options form. |
HistoryUserTimestamp::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
HistoryUserTimestamp::defineOptions | function | core/ |
hook_field_ui_preconfigured_options_alter | function | core/ |
Perform alterations on preconfigured field options. |
hook_options_list_alter | function | core/ |
Alters the list of options to be displayed for a field. |
HtmlList::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Render the given style. |
HtmlList::defineOptions | function | core/ |
Set default options. |
HTTPStatusCode::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
HTTPStatusCode::defineOptions | function | core/ |
ImageFormatterTest::testImageFormatterUrlOptions | function | core/ |
Tests Image Formatter URL options handling. |
ImageStyleDeleteForm::$replacementOptions | property | core/ |
Replacement options. |
ImageStyleDeleteForm::getReplacementOptions | function | core/ |
Returns a list of image style replacement options. |
image_style_options | function | core/ |
Gets an array of image styles suitable for using as select list options. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraint::getRequiredOptions | function | core/ |
@todo Add method return type declaration. |
IndexTidDepth::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
IndexTidDepth::defineOptions | function | core/ |
IndexTidDepthModifier::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
InOperator::$valueOptions | property | core/ |
Stores all operations which are available on the form. |
InOperator::defaultExposeOptions | function | core/ |
InOperator::defineOptions | function | core/ |
InOperator::getValueOptions | function | core/ |
Gets the value options. |
InOperator::operatorOptions | function | core/ |
Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options. |
InOperator::reduceValueOptions | function | core/ |
When using exposed filters, we may be required to reduce the set. |
InOperatorTest::validate_options_callback | function | core/ |
InputRequired::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
InputRequired::defineOptions | function | core/ |
InputRequired::submitOptionsForm | function | core/ |
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