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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
OrderByTest | class | core/ |
Tests the orderBy() method of select queries. |
OrderByTest.php | file | core/ |
OrderByTest::$query | property | core/ |
The select query object to test. |
OrderByTest::setUp | function | core/ |
OrderByTest::testFieldEscaping | function | core/ |
Tests that fields passed for ordering get escaped properly. |
OrderByTest::testInvalidDirection | function | core/ |
Checks that invalid sort directions in ORDER BY get converted to ASC. |
QueryTest::$orderBy | property | core/ |
QueryTest::addOrderBy | function | core/ |
Select::getOrderBy | function | core/ |
Select::orderBy | function | core/ |
Overrides SelectQuery::orderBy(). |
Select::orderBy | function | core/ |
SelectExtender::getOrderBy | function | core/ |
SelectExtender::orderBy | function | core/ |
SelectInterface::getOrderBy | function | core/ |
Returns a reference to the order by array for this query. |
SelectInterface::orderBy | function | core/ |
Orders the result set by a given field. |
SequenceDataDefinition::getOrderBy | function | core/ |
Gets the description of how the sequence should be sorted. |
Sql::$orderby | property | core/ |
A simple array of order by clauses. |
Sql::addOrderBy | function | core/ |
Add an ORDER BY clause to the query. |
TableSortExtender::orderByHeader | function | core/ |
Order the query based on a header array. |
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