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Title Object type File name Summary
FileFieldTestCase::createFileField function modules/file/tests/file.test Creates a new file field.
FileFieldTestCase::createTemporaryFile function modules/file/tests/file.test Creates a temporary file, for a specific user.
FileTaxonomyTermTestCase::createAttachFileField function modules/file/tests/file.test Creates a file field and attaches it to the "Tags" taxonomy vocabulary.
FileTestCase::createDirectory function modules/simpletest/tests/file.test Create a directory and assert it exists.
FileTestCase::createFile function modules/simpletest/tests/file.test Create a file and save it to the files table and assert that it occurs
FileTransfer::createDirectory function includes/filetransfer/ Creates a directory.
FileTransfer::createDirectoryJailed function includes/filetransfer/ Creates a directory.
FileTransferFTPExtension::createDirectoryJailed function includes/filetransfer/ Creates a directory.
FileTransferLocal::createDirectoryJailed function includes/filetransfer/ Creates a directory.
FileTransferSSH::createDirectoryJailed function includes/filetransfer/ Creates a directory.
FileURLRewritingTest::testPublicCreatedFileURL function modules/simpletest/tests/file.test Test the generating of rewritten public created file URLs.
FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY constant includes/ Flag used by file_prepare_directory() -- create directory if not present.
file_create_filename function includes/ Creates a full file path from a directory and filename.
file_create_htaccess function includes/ Creates a .htaccess file in the given directory.
file_create_url function includes/ Creates a web-accessible URL for a stream to an external or local file.
ForumTestCase::createForum function modules/forum/forum.test Creates a forum container or a forum.
ForumTestCase::createForumTopic function modules/forum/forum.test Creates forum topic.
Hook implementations for user-created content types group modules/node/node.module Functions that implement hooks for user-created content types.
hook_field_attach_create_bundle function modules/field/field.api.php Act on field_attach_create_bundle().
hook_field_create_field function modules/field/field.api.php Act on a field being created.
hook_field_create_instance function modules/field/field.api.php Act on a field instance being created.
hook_field_storage_create_field function modules/field/field.api.php Act on creation of a new field.
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::createSampleImage function modules/image/image.test Given an image style, generate an image.
ImageFieldTestCase::createImageField function modules/image/image.test Create a new image field.
ImageFieldTestCase::createRandomStyle function modules/image/image.test Create a random style.
ImageStyleFlushTest::createSampleImage function modules/image/image.test Given an image style and a wrapper, generate an image.
image_gd_create_tmp function modules/system/ Create a truecolor image preserving transparency from a provided image.
image_style_create_derivative function modules/image/image.module Creates a new image derivative based on an image style.
ListFieldUITestCase::createListField function modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Helper function to create list field of a given type.
MemoryQueue::createItem function modules/system/ Add a queue item and store it directly to the queue.
MemoryQueue::createQueue function modules/system/ Create a queue.
MenuLinksUnitTestCase::createLinkHierarchy function modules/simpletest/tests/menu.test Create a simple hierarchy of links.
MENU_CREATED_BY_ADMIN constant includes/ Internal menu flag -- menu item was created by administrator.
PHPTestCase::createNodeWithCode function modules/php/php.test Creates a test node with PHP code in the body.
PollCreateTestCase class modules/poll/poll.test
PollCreateTestCase::getInfo function modules/poll/poll.test
PollCreateTestCase::setUp function modules/poll/poll.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
PollCreateTestCase::testPollClose function modules/poll/poll.test
PollCreateTestCase::testPollCreate function modules/poll/poll.test
PollTestCase::pollCreate function modules/poll/poll.test Creates a poll.
ProfileTestCase::createProfileField function modules/profile/profile.test Create a profile field.
ShortcutSetsTestCase::testShortcutSetSwitchCreate function modules/shortcut/shortcut.test Tests switching a user's shortcut set and creating one at the same time.
SystemQueue::createItem function modules/system/
SystemQueue::createQueue function modules/system/
TaxonomyWebTestCase::createTerm function modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.test Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
TaxonomyWebTestCase::createVocabulary function modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.test Returns a new vocabulary with random properties.
TestFileTransfer::createDirectoryJailed function modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test Creates a directory.
TranslationTestCase::createPage function modules/translation/translation.test Creates a "Basic page" in the specified language.
TranslationTestCase::createTranslation function modules/translation/translation.test Creates a translation for a basic page in the specified language.
update_create_fetch_task function modules/update/update.module Creates a new fetch task after loading the necessary include file.

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