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Title Object type File name Summary
BatchProcessingTestCase::assertBatchMessages function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Will trigger a pass if the texts were found in order in the raw content.
BatchProcessingTestCase::_resultMessages function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Helper function: return expected result messages for the test batches.
CommentActionsTestCase::assertHookMessage function modules/comment/comment.test Pass if the message $text was set by one of the comment hooks in
comment_hook_test.module, i.e., if the $text is an element of
CommentActionsTestCase::assertWatchdogMessage function modules/comment/comment.test Verify that a watchdog message has been entered.
DBLogTestCase::assertLogMessage function modules/dblog/dblog.test Confirms that a log message appears on the database log overview screen.
DBLogTestCase::testLogMessageSanitized function modules/dblog/dblog.test Make sure HTML tags are filtered out in the log detail page.
DrupalErrorHandlerTestCase::assertErrorMessage function modules/simpletest/tests/error.test Helper function: assert that the error message is found.
DrupalErrorHandlerTestCase::assertNoErrorMessage function modules/simpletest/tests/error.test Helper function: assert that the error message is not found.
DrupalSetMessageTest class modules/system/system.test Tests drupal_set_message() and related functions.
DrupalSetMessageTest::getInfo function modules/system/system.test
DrupalSetMessageTest::setUp function modules/system/system.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
DrupalSetMessageTest::testSetRemoveMessages function modules/system/system.test Tests setting messages and removing one before it is displayed.
drupal_get_messages function includes/ Returns all messages that have been set with drupal_set_message().
drupal_set_message function includes/ Sets a message to display to the user.
EntityCrudHookTestCase::assertHookMessage function modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.test Pass if the message $text was set by one of the CRUD hooks in
entity_crud_hook_test.module, i.e., if the $text is an element of
field_ui_inactive_message function modules/field_ui/ Displays a message listing the inactive fields of a given bundle.
MailTestCase::$sent_message property modules/simpletest/tests/mail.test The most recent message that was sent through the test case.
MailTestCase::testCancelMessage function modules/simpletest/tests/mail.test Test that message sending may be canceled.
ModuleTestCase::assertLogMessage function modules/system/system.test Verify a log entry was entered for a module's status change.
Called in the same way of the expected original watchdog() execution.
NodeRevisionsTestCase::testNodeRevisionWithoutLogMessage function modules/node/node.test Checks that revisions are correctly saved without log messages.
overlay_disable_message function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns a renderable array representing a message for disabling the overlay.
overlay_user_dismiss_message function modules/overlay/overlay.module Page callback: Dismisses the overlay accessibility message for this user.
system.messages-rtl.css file modules/system/system.messages-rtl.css RTL Styles for system messages.
system.messages.css file modules/system/system.messages.css Styles for system messages.
system_message_action function modules/system/system.module Sends a message to the current user's screen.
system_message_action_form function modules/system/system.module
system_message_action_submit function modules/system/system.module
system_test_drupal_set_message function modules/simpletest/tests/system_test.module Sets two messages and removes the first one before the messages are displayed.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableWithEmptyMessage function modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Tests that the table header is printed correctly even if there are no rows,
and that the empty text is displayed correctly.
theme_authorize_message function includes/ Returns HTML for a single log message from the authorize.php batch operation.
theme_dblog_message function modules/dblog/ Returns HTML for a log message.
theme_overlay_disable_message function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns the HTML for the message about how to disable the overlay.
theme_status_messages function includes/ Returns HTML for status and/or error messages, grouped by type.
TriggerActionTestCase::assertSystemMessageAndEmailTokenReplacement function modules/trigger/trigger.test Asserts correct token replacement in both system message and email.
TriggerActionTestCase::assertSystemMessageTokenReplacement function modules/trigger/trigger.test Asserts correct token replacement for the given trigger and account.
TriggerActionTestCase::assignSystemMessageAction function modules/trigger/trigger.test Assigns a system message action to the passed-in trigger.
TriggerActionTestCase::generateMessageWithTokens function modules/trigger/trigger.test Creates a message with tokens.
UpdateTestUploadCase::testUpdateManagerCoreSecurityUpdateMessages function modules/update/update.test Checks the messages on update manager pages when missing a security update.
XMLRPCBasicTestCase::testInvalidMessageParsing function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test Ensure that XML-RPC correctly handles invalid messages when parsing.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testAlterListMethods function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test Ensure that hook_xmlrpc_alter() can hide even builtin methods.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testMulticallLimit function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test Test limits on system.multicall that can prevent brute-force attacks.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testSizedMessages function modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc.test Make sure that XML-RPC can transfer large messages.
xmlrpc_message function includes/ Constructs an object representing an XML-RPC message.
xmlrpc_message_cdata function includes/ Handles character data for XML parsing in xmlrpc_message_parse().
xmlrpc_message_get function includes/ Returns the most recently stored XML-RPC message object.
xmlrpc_message_parse function includes/ Parses an XML-RPC message.
xmlrpc_message_set function includes/ Stores a copy of the most recent XML-RPC message object temporarily.

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