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Title Object type File name Summary
drupal_register_shutdown_function function includes/ Registers a function for execution on shutdown.
file_register_phar_wrapper function includes/ Registers a phar stream wrapper that is more secure than PHP's built-in one.
flood_register_event function includes/ Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism.
form_test_form_user_register_form_alter function modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for the registration form.
form_test_user_register_form_rebuild function modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module Submit callback that just lets the form rebuild.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithAXButNoSREG function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that supplies AX information,
but no SREG.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithEmailVerification function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto-registration with e-mail verification enabled.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithInvalidSreg function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that supplies invalid SREG
information (a username that is already taken, and no e-mail address).
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithoutEmailVerification function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto-registration with e-mail verification disabled.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithoutSreg function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that does not supply SREG
information (i.e. no username or e-mail address).
openid_form_user_register_form_alter function modules/openid/openid.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
PharStreamWrapper::registerStreamWrapper function misc/typo3/phar-stream-wrapper/src/PharStreamWrapper.php
simpletest_classloader_register function modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
system_form_user_register_form_alter function modules/system/system.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
user_external_login_register function modules/user/user.module Helper function for authentication modules. Either logs in or registers
the current user, based on username. Either way, the global $user object is
populated and login tasks are performed.
user_register_access function modules/user/user.module Determines if the current user has access to the user registration page.
USER_REGISTER_ADMINISTRATORS_ONLY constant modules/user/user.module Only administrators can create user accounts.
user_register_form function modules/user/user.module Form builder; the user registration form.
user_register_submit function modules/user/user.module Submit handler for the user registration form.
user_register_validate function modules/user/user.module Validation function for the user registration form.
USER_REGISTER_VISITORS constant modules/user/user.module Visitors can create their own accounts.
USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL constant modules/user/user.module Visitors can create accounts, but they don't become active without
administrative approval.

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