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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
access_check.user.register | service | core/ |
Drupal\user\Access\RegisterAccessCheck |
AdminAccountSwitcherTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
BrowserTestBase::registerSessions | function | core/ |
Registers additional Mink sessions. |
CacheCollectorTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
Callbacks::userRegisterFormRebuild | function | core/ |
Submit callback that just lets the form rebuild. |
ChangeLoggerTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
ConfigImporterMissingContentTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
ConfigOverride::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
ConstraintManager::registerDefinitions | function | core/ |
Callback for registering definitions for constraints shipped with Symfony. |
ContainerBuilder::register | function | core/ |
ContainerBuilderTest::testRegister | function | core/ |
@covers ::register |
core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/user/config/install/core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml |
core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/multilingual/language/es/core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml |
core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/testing_config_install/core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml |
core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/multilingual/core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml |
CoreServiceProvider::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
CoreServiceProvider::registerTest | function | core/ |
Registers services and event subscribers for a site under test. |
CronQueueTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
DatabaseBackend::register | function | core/ |
Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism. |
DatabaseBackendTagTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
DatabaseStorageExpirableTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
DatabaseStorageTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
DbDumpTest::register | function | core/ |
Register a database cache backend rather than memory-based. |
DrupalFlushAllCachesTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
drupal_register_shutdown_function | function | core/ |
Registers a function for execution on shutdown. |
EndOfTransactionQueriesTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
EntityReferenceSettingsTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
EntityUrlTest::registerBundleInfo | function | core/ |
Registers bundle information for the mock entity type. |
EntityUrlTest::registerLinkTemplate | function | core/ |
Registers a link template for the mock entity. |
ExceptionLoggingSubscriberTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
FakeAutoloader::register | function | core/ |
Registers this instance as an autoloader. |
FakeAutoloader::unregister | function | core/ |
Deregisters this instance as an autoloader. |
FieldStorageCreateCheckDeprecationTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
FileTestBase::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
FilterCaptionTwigDebugTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
FloodInterface::register | function | core/ |
Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism. |
FormTestHooks::formUserRegisterFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for the registration form. |
form_test_user_register_form_rebuild | function | core/ |
Submit callback that just lets the form rebuild. |
FrontMatterTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
Handle::register | function | core/ |
Ensures exceptions are thrown when an assertion fails. |
HelpEmptyPageTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
ImageStyleCustomStreamWrappersTest::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
InstallerServiceProvider::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
JsonapiServiceProvider::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
KernelDestructionSubscriber::registerService | function | core/ |
Registers a service for destruction. |
KernelTestBase::register | function | core/ |
Registers test-specific services. |
KernelTestBaseTest::testRegister | function | core/ |
@covers ::register |
LanguageServiceProvider::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
LayoutBuilderServiceProvider::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
LinkRelationType::getRegisteredName | function | core/ |
Returns the registered link relation type name. |
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