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Title Object type File name Summary
block_themes_enabled function modules/block/block.module Initializes blocks for enabled themes.
ColorTestCase::$themes property modules/color/color.test
color_form_system_themes_alter function modules/color/color.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
drupal_find_base_themes function includes/ Find all the base themes for the specified theme.
hook_system_themes_page_alter function modules/system/system.api.php Alters theme operation links.
hook_themes_disabled function modules/system/theme.api.php Respond to themes being disabled.
hook_themes_enabled function modules/system/theme.api.php Respond to themes being enabled.
list_themes function includes/ Returns a list of all currently available themes.
locale_themes_enabled function modules/locale/locale.module Implements hook_themes_enabled().
SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testPerThemeSettings function modules/system/system.test Test the individual per-theme settings form.
SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testThemeSettings function modules/system/system.test Test the theme settings form.
system_find_base_themes function modules/system/system.module Find all the base themes for the specified theme.
system_sort_themes function modules/system/ Sorts themes by their names, with the default theme listed first.
system_themes_admin_form function modules/system/ Form to select the administration theme.
system_themes_admin_form_submit function modules/system/ Process system_themes_admin_form form submissions.
system_themes_page function modules/system/ Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
TaxonomyThemeTestCase::testTaxonomyTermThemes function modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.test Test the theme used when adding, viewing and editing taxonomy terms.
ThemeTestCase::testFrontPageThemeSuggestion function modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Ensure page-front template suggestion is added when on front page.
ThemeTestCase::testListThemes function modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Test the list_themes() function.
ThemeTestCase::testThemeSuggestions function modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Test function theme_get_suggestions() for SA-CORE-2009-003.
theme_system_themes_page function modules/system/ Returns HTML for the Appearance page.
UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testThemeSystem function modules/system/system.test Tests the effect of using the update script on the theme system.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateAdminThemeSecurityUpdate function modules/update/update.test Tests that the admin theme is always notified about security updates.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateBaseThemeSecurityUpdate function modules/update/update.test Tests that subthemes are notified about security updates for base themes.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateShowDisabledThemes function modules/update/update.test Tests that disabled themes are only shown when desired.
update_themes_disabled function modules/update/update.module Implements hook_themes_disabled().
update_themes_enabled function modules/update/update.module Implements hook_themes_enabled().
_block_themes_access function modules/block/block.module Menu item access callback - only admin or enabled themes can be accessed.
_system_themes_access function modules/system/system.module Menu item access callback - only admin or enabled themes can be accessed.

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