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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
KernelTestBase::getDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
KeyValueExpirableFactory::SPECIFIC_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
KeyValueFactory::SPECIFIC_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
The specific setting name prefix. |
LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_PATH_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
URL language negotiation: use the path prefix as URL language indicator. |
LanguageNegotiationUrlTest::providerTestPathPrefix | function | core/ |
Provides data for the path prefix test. |
LanguageNegotiationUrlTest::testPathPrefix | function | core/ |
Test path prefix language negotiation and outbound path processing. |
LanguageServiceProvider::CONFIG_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
language_negotiation_url_prefixes | function | core/ |
Reads language prefixes and uses the langcode if no prefix is set. |
language_negotiation_url_prefixes_update | function | core/ |
Update the list of prefixes from the installed languages. |
language_prefixes_and_domains.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/language/migrations/language_prefixes_and_domains.yml |
LayoutBuilderUiTest::FIELD_UI_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
Path prefix for the field UI for the test bundle. |
ManageFieldsFunctionalTest::testFieldPrefix | function | core/ |
Tests that the 'field_prefix' setting works on Field UI. |
MediaLibraryUpdateCheckboxClassesTest::testAddNonPrefixedClasses | function | core/ |
Tests that non js prefixes are added to checkboxes in the media view. |
MigrateLanguageNegotiationSettingsTest::testLanguageNegotiationWithDefaultPathPrefix | function | core/ |
MigrateLanguageNegotiationSettingsTest::testLanguageNegotiationWithPathPrefix | function | core/ |
Tests the migration with LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATH. |
MigrateLanguageNegotiationSettingsTest::testLanguageNegotiationWithPrefix | function | core/ |
Tests the migration with prefix negotiation. |
MigrateSqlIdMapTest::testGetQualifiedMapTablePrefix | function | core/ |
Tests the getQualifiedMapTable method with a prefixed database. |
ModuleVersion::CORE_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
The '8.x-' prefix is used on contrib module version numbers. |
ModuleVersionTest::providerInvalidBranchCorePrefix | function | core/ |
Data provider for testInvalidBranchCorePrefix(). |
ModuleVersionTest::providerInvalidVersionCorePrefix | function | core/ |
Data provider for testInvalidVersionCorePrefix(). |
ModuleVersionTest::testInvalidBranchCorePrefix | function | core/ |
@covers ::createFromSupportBranch |
ModuleVersionTest::testInvalidVersionCorePrefix | function | core/ |
@covers ::createFromVersionString |
MoveBlockFormTest::FIELD_UI_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
Path prefix for the field UI for the test bundle. |
PrefixInfoTest | class | core/ |
Tests that the prefix info for a database schema is correct. |
PrefixInfoTest.php | file | core/ |
PrefixInfoTest::testGetPrefixInfo | function | core/ |
Tests that DatabaseSchema::getPrefixInfo() returns the right database. |
QueryFactory::CONFIG_LOOKUP_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
The prefix for the key value collection for fast lookups. |
Registry::getPrefixGroupedUserFunctions | function | core/ |
Gets all user functions grouped by the word before the first underscore. |
RouteProvider::ROUTE_LOAD_CID_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
Cache ID prefix used to load routes. |
Schema::getPrefixInfo | function | core/ |
Get information about the table and database name from the prefix. |
Schema::getPrefixInfo | function | core/ |
Get information about the table name and schema from the prefix. |
Schema::prefixNonTable | function | core/ |
Create names for indexes, primary keys and constraints. |
SessionConfiguration::getUnprefixedName | function | core/ |
Returns the session cookie name without the secure/insecure prefix. |
Settings::getApcuPrefix | function | core/ |
Generates a prefix for APCu user cache keys. |
SettingsTest::testGetApcuPrefix | function | core/ |
Tests Settings::getApcuPrefix(). |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getTemporaryTableMappingPrefix | function | core/ |
Gets a string to be used as a prefix for a temporary table mapping object. |
TemporaryQueryGuard::addConditionFieldPrefix | function | core/ |
Prefixes all fields in an EntityConditionGroup. |
TestBase::$databasePrefix | property | core/ |
The database prefix of this test run. |
TestBase::$originalPrefix | property | core/ |
The original database prefix when running inside Simpletest. |
TestBase::getDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Gets the database prefix. |
TestBase::prepareDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Generates a database prefix for running tests. |
TestDatabase::$databasePrefix | property | core/ |
The test database prefix. |
TestDatabase::getDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Gets the test database prefix. |
TestDatabaseTest::testConstructorNullPrefix | function | core/ |
Verify that a test lock is generated if there is no provided prefix. |
TestMultiWidthLayoutsTest::FIELD_UI_PREFIX | constant | core/ |
Path prefix for the field UI for the test bundle. |
TestSetupTrait::changeDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Changes the database connection to the prefixed one. |
TestSetupTrait::prepareDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Generates a database prefix for running tests. |
TestSetupTraitTest::testChangeDatabasePrefix | function | core/ |
Tests the SIMPLETEST_DB environment variable is used. |
TestSiteApplicationTest::testTearDownDbPrefixValidation | function | core/ |
@coversNothing |
TestSiteInstallCommand::$databasePrefix | property | core/ |
The database prefix of this test run. |
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