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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest | class | core/ |
Tests for CKEditor 5. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest.php | file | core/ |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::$allowedElements | property | core/ |
The default CKEditor 5 allowed elements. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::$defaultElementsAfterUpdatingToCkeditor5 | property | core/ |
The expected allowed elements after updating to CKEditor 5. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::$defaultElementsWhenUpdatingNotCkeditor5 | property | core/ |
The default allowed elements for filter_html's "allowed_html" setting. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to enable. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testAllowedTags | function | core/ |
Test filter_html allowed tags. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testEnablingToVersion5Validation | function | core/ |
Test enabling CKEditor 5 in a way that triggers validation. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testFullHtml | function | core/ |
Tests full HTML text format. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testImageUploadsRemainEnabled | function | core/ |
Tests that when image uploads were enabled, they remain enabled. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testImgAddedViaUploadPlugin | function | core/ |
Tests that the img tag is added after enabling image uploads. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testInternetExplorerWarning | function | core/ |
Tests the presence of the IE warning when CKEditor 5 is selected. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testMediaElementAllowedTags | function | core/ |
Test that <drupal-media> is added to allowed tags when media embed enabled. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testSwitchToVersion5 | function | core/ |
Confirm that switching to CKEditor 5 from another editor updates tags. |
FieldFilteredMarkup::allowedTags | function | core/ |
Returns the allowed tag list. |
FieldFilteredMarkup::displayAllowedTags | function | core/ |
Returns a human-readable list of allowed tags for display in help texts. |
FieldFilteredMarkupTest::testdisplayAllowedTags | function | core/ |
@covers: ::displayAllowedTags |
FilterHtmlTest::testStylesToAllowedTagsSync | function | core/ |
Tests the Allowed Tags configuration with CSS classes. |
HTMLRestrictions::toFilterHtmlAllowedTagsString | function | core/ |
Transforms into the Drupal HTML filter's "allowed_html" representation. |
Standard::getAllowedTags | function | core/ |
Get all allowed tags from a restrictions data structure. |
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