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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
ForumUpgradePathTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/ Upgrade test for forum.module.
FrontPageTestCase class modules/system/system.test Test front page functionality and administration.
GraphUnitTest class modules/simpletest/tests/graph.test Unit tests for the graph handling features.
Helper class TYPO3\PharStreamWrapper misc/typo3/phar-stream-wrapper/src/Helper.php Helper provides low-level tools on file name resolving. However it does not (and should not) maintain any runtime state information. In order to resolve Phar archive paths according resolvers have to be used. 2
HelpTestCase class modules/help/help.test Tests help display and user access for all modules implementing help.
HookBootExitTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test Test hook_boot() and hook_exit().
HookRequirementsTestCase class modules/system/system.test Tests failure of hook_requirements('install').
HtaccessTest class modules/system/system.test Tests .htaccess is working correctly.
HTMLIdTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/form.test Tests uniqueness of generated HTML IDs.
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest class modules/image/image.test Tests creation, deletion, and editing of image styles and effects.
ImageAdminUiTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests the administrative user interface.
ImageDimensionsScaleTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests image_dimensions_scale().
ImageDimensionsTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests that images have correct dimensions when styled.
ImageEffectsUnitTest class modules/image/image.test Use the image_test.module's mock toolkit to ensure that the effects are properly passing parameters to the image toolkit.
ImageFieldDefaultImagesTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests default image settings.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase class modules/image/image.test Test class to check that formatters and display settings are working.
ImageFieldTestCase class modules/image/image.test This class provides methods specifically for testing Image's field handling. 7
ImageFieldValidateTestCase class modules/image/image.test Test class to check for various validations.
ImageFileMoveTest class modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Tests the file move function for managed files.
ImageStyleFlushTest class modules/image/image.test Tests flushing of image styles.
ImageStylesHTTPHeadersTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests for correct file size, dimensions and HTTP headers after scaling.
ImageStylesPathAndUrlTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests the functions for generating paths and URLs for image styles.
ImageThemeFunctionWebTestCase class modules/image/image.test Tests image theme functions.
ImageToolkitGdTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Test the core GD image manipulation functions.
ImageToolkitTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Base class for image manipulation testing. 3
ImageToolkitUnitTest class modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Test that the functions in correctly pass data to the toolkit.
ImportOPMLTestCase class modules/aggregator/aggregator.test Tests importing feeds from OPML functionality for the Aggregator module.
InfoFileParserTestCase class modules/system/system.test
InsertQuery class includes/database/ General class for an abstracted INSERT query. 3
InsertQuery_mysql class includes/database/mysql/ @file Query code for MySQL embedded database engine.
InsertQuery_pgsql class includes/database/pgsql/ @file Query code for PostgreSQL embedded database engine.
InsertQuery_sqlite class includes/database/sqlite/ SQLite specific implementation of InsertQuery.
InvalidMergeQueryException class includes/database/ Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense.
InvalidQueryConditionOperatorException class includes/database/ Exception thrown if an invalid query condition is specified.
IPAddressBlockingTestCase class modules/system/system.test
JavaScriptTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests for the JavaScript system.
ListDynamicValuesTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Sets up a List field for testing allowed values functions. 2
ListDynamicValuesValidationTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Tests the List field allowed values function.
ListFieldTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Tests for the 'List' field types.
ListFieldUITestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test List module UI tests.
LocaleBrowserDetectionTest class modules/locale/locale.test Test browser language detection.
LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for comment language.
LocaleConfigurationTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for the language configuration forms.
LocaleContentFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for multilingual support on nodes.
LocaleCSSAlterTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for CSS alter functions.
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for localizing date formats.
LocaleExportFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for the export of translation files.
LocaleImportFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for the import of translation files.
LocaleInstallTest class modules/locale/locale.test Tests for the st() function.
LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for JavaScript parsing for translatable strings.


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