Primary tabs

Name Locationsort descending Description Direct uses Strings
MAINTENANCE_MODE core/authorize.php Global flag to identify update.php and authorize.php runs. 6 11
ERROR_REPORTING_HIDE core/includes/ Error reporting level: display no errors. 8
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_SOME core/includes/ Error reporting level: display errors and warnings. 3
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_ALL core/includes/ Error reporting level: display all messages. 6
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE core/includes/ Error reporting level: display all messages, plus backtrace information. 12
DRUPAL_EXTENSION_NAME_MAX_LENGTH core/includes/ The maximum number of characters in a module or theme name. 4
REQUEST_TIME Deprecated core/includes/ Time of the current request in seconds elapsed since the Unix Epoch. 27
DRUPAL_ROOT core/includes/ Defines the root directory of the Drupal installation. 44 1
SAVED_NEW core/includes/ Return status for saving which involved creating a new item. 20 2
SAVED_UPDATED core/includes/ Return status for saving which involved an update to an existing item. 23 2
SAVED_DELETED core/includes/ Return status for saving which deleted an existing item.
CSS_AGGREGATE_DEFAULT core/includes/ The default aggregation group for CSS files added to the page. 1 1
CSS_AGGREGATE_THEME core/includes/ The default aggregation group for theme CSS files added to the page. 1
CSS_BASE core/includes/ The default weight for CSS rules that style HTML elements ("base" styles). 1
CSS_LAYOUT core/includes/ The default weight for CSS rules that layout a page. 1
CSS_COMPONENT core/includes/ The default weight for CSS rules that style design components (and their associated states and themes.) 1
CSS_STATE core/includes/ The default weight for CSS rules that style states and are not included with components. 1
CSS_THEME core/includes/ The default weight for CSS rules that style themes and are not included with components. 1
JS_SETTING core/includes/ The default group for JavaScript settings added to the page. 1 1
JS_LIBRARY core/includes/ The default group for JavaScript and jQuery libraries added to the page. 1
JS_DEFAULT core/includes/ The default group for module JavaScript code added to the page. 1 1
JS_THEME core/includes/ The default group for theme JavaScript code added to the page. 1
REQUIREMENT_INFO core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Informational message only. 12
REQUIREMENT_OK core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Requirement successfully met. 8
REQUIREMENT_WARNING core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Warning condition; proceed but flag warning. 18
REQUIREMENT_ERROR core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Error condition; abort installation. 24
FILE_EXIST core/includes/ File permission check -- File exists. 2
FILE_READABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is readable. 4
FILE_WRITABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is writable. 3
FILE_EXECUTABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is executable. 3
FILE_NOT_EXIST core/includes/ File permission check -- File does not exist. 1
FILE_NOT_READABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not readable. 3
FILE_NOT_WRITABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not writable. 4
FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not executable. 3
MARK_READ core/includes/ Mark content as read. 2
MARK_NEW core/includes/ Mark content as being new. 3
MARK_UPDATED core/includes/ Mark content as being updated. 2
RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM core/includes/ A responsive table class; hide table cell on narrow devices. 12
RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW core/includes/ A responsive table class; only show table cell on wide devices. 7
MAINTENANCE_MODE core/install.php Global flag to indicate the site is in installation mode. 6 11
COMMENT_NEW_LIMIT core/modules/comment/comment.module The time cutoff for comments marked as read for entity types other node. 1 1
FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_1 core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module 2
FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_2 core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module 3
HISTORY_READ_LIMIT core/modules/history/history.module Entities changed before this time are always shown as read. 7 1
IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN core/modules/image/image.module The name of the query parameter for image derivative tokens. 3 1
JSONAPI_FILTER_AMONG_ALL core/modules/jsonapi/jsonapi.module Array key for denoting type-based filtering access. 13
JSONAPI_FILTER_AMONG_PUBLISHED core/modules/jsonapi/jsonapi.module Array key for denoting type-based published-only filtering access. 8
JSONAPI_FILTER_AMONG_ENABLED core/modules/jsonapi/jsonapi.module Array key for denoting type-based enabled-only filtering access. 4
JSONAPI_FILTER_AMONG_OWN core/modules/jsonapi/jsonapi.module Array key for denoting type-based owned-only filtering access. 6
LOCALE_JS_STRING core/modules/locale/locale.module Regular expression pattern used to localize JavaScript strings. 1


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