function file_save_htaccess

Creates a .htaccess file in the given directory.


string $directory: The directory.

bool $private: (Optional) FALSE indicates that $directory should be a web-accessible directory. Defaults to TRUE which indicates a private directory.

bool $force_overwrite: (Optional) Set to TRUE to attempt to overwrite the existing .htaccess file if one is already present. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

bool TRUE when file exists or created successfully, FALSE otherwise.


in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Component\FileSecurity\FileSecurity::writeHtaccess() instead.

See also

Related topics

1 call to file_save_htaccess()
HtaccessDeprecationTest::testDeprecatedFunctions in core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/File/HtaccessDeprecationTest.php
Tests messages for deprecated functions.


core/includes/, line 358


function file_save_htaccess($directory, $private = TRUE, $force_overwrite = FALSE) {
    @trigger_error('file_save_htaccess() is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Component\\FileSecurity\\FileSecurity::writeHtaccess() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('file.htaccess_writer')->write($directory, $private, $force_overwrite);

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