function HookCollectorPass::collectModuleHookImplementations
Collects procedural and Attribute hook implementations.
string $dir: The directory in which the module resides.
string $module: The name of the module.
string $module_preg: A regular expression matching every module, longer module names are matched first.
bool $skip_procedural: Skip the procedural check for the current module.
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Hook/ HookCollectorPass.php, line 169
- HookCollectorPass
- Collects and registers hook implementations.
protected function collectModuleHookImplementations($dir, $module, $module_preg, bool $skip_procedural) : void {
$hook_file_cache = FileCacheFactory::get('hook_implementations');
$procedural_hook_file_cache = FileCacheFactory::get('procedural_hook_implementations:' . $module_preg);
$iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS | \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS);
$iterator = new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($iterator, static::filterIterator(...));
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator);
/** @var \RecursiveDirectoryIterator | \RecursiveIteratorIterator $iterator*/
foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
assert($fileinfo instanceof \SplFileInfo);
$extension = $fileinfo->getExtension();
$filename = $fileinfo->getPathname();
if (($extension === 'module' || $extension === 'profile') && !$iterator->getDepth() && !$skip_procedural) {
// There is an expectation for all modules and profiles to be loaded.
// .module and .profile files are not supposed to be in subdirectories.
// These need to be loaded even if the module has no procedural hooks.
include_once $filename;
if ($extension === 'php') {
$cached = $hook_file_cache->get($filename);
if ($cached) {
$class = $cached['class'];
$attributes = $cached['attributes'];
else {
$namespace = preg_replace('#^src/#', "Drupal/{$module}/", $iterator->getSubPath());
$class = $namespace . '/' . $fileinfo->getBasename('.php');
$class = str_replace('/', '\\', $class);
if (class_exists($class)) {
$attributes = static::getHookAttributesInClass($class);
$hook_file_cache->set($filename, [
'class' => $class,
'attributes' => $attributes,
else {
$attributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$this->addFromAttribute($attribute, $class, $module);
elseif (!$skip_procedural) {
$implementations = $procedural_hook_file_cache->get($filename);
if ($implementations === NULL) {
$finder = MockFileFinder::create($filename);
$parser = new StaticReflectionParser('', $finder);
$implementations = [];
foreach ($parser->getMethodAttributes() as $function => $attributes) {
if (StaticReflectionParser::hasAttribute($attributes, StopProceduralHookScan::class)) {
if (!StaticReflectionParser::hasAttribute($attributes, LegacyHook::class) && preg_match($module_preg, $function, $matches)) {
$implementations[] = [
'function' => $function,
'module' => $matches['module'],
'hook' => $matches['hook'],
$procedural_hook_file_cache->set($filename, $implementations);
foreach ($implementations as $implementation) {
$this->addProceduralImplementation($fileinfo, $implementation['hook'], $implementation['module'], $implementation['function']);
if ($extension === 'inc') {
$parts = explode('.', $fileinfo->getFilename());
if (count($parts) === 3 && $parts[0] === $module) {
$this->groupIncludes[$parts[1]][] = $filename;
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