function BlockContextMappingUpdateTest::testUpdateHookN

Tests that block context mapping is updated properly.


core/modules/block/tests/src/Functional/Update/BlockContextMappingUpdateTest.php, line 39


Tests the upgrade path for block context mapping renames.




public function testUpdateHookN() {
    $this->assertRaw('Encountered an unknown context mapping key coming probably from a contributed or custom module: One or more mappings could not be updated. Please manually review your visibility settings for the following blocks, which are disabled now:<ul><li>User login (Visibility: Baloney spam)</li></ul>');
    // Disable maintenance mode.
    \Drupal::state()->set('system.maintenance_mode', FALSE);
    // We finished updating so we can log in the user now.
    // The block that we are testing has the following visibility rules:
    // - only visible on node pages
    // - only visible to authenticated users.
    $block_title = 'Test for 2354889';
    // Create two nodes, a page and an article.
    $page = Node::create([
        'type' => 'page',
        'title' => 'Page node',
    $article = Node::create([
        'type' => 'article',
        'title' => 'Article node',
    // Check that the block appears only on Page nodes for authenticated users.
    $this->drupalGet('node/' . $page->id());
    $this->assertRaw($block_title, 'Test block is visible on a Page node as an authenticated user.');
    $this->drupalGet('node/' . $article->id());
    $this->assertNoRaw($block_title, 'Test block is not visible on a Article node as an authenticated user.');
    // Check that the block does not appear on any page for anonymous users.
    $this->drupalGet('node/' . $page->id());
    $this->assertNoRaw($block_title, 'Test block is not visible on a Page node as an anonymous user.');
    $this->drupalGet('node/' . $article->id());
    $this->assertNoRaw($block_title, 'Test block is not visible on a Article node as an anonymous user.');
    // Ensure that all the context mappings got updated properly.
    $block = Block::load('testfor2354889');
    $visibility = $block->get('visibility');
    $this->assertEqual('@node.node_route_context:node', $visibility['node_type']['context_mapping']['node']);
    $this->assertEqual('@user.current_user_context:current_user', $visibility['user_role']['context_mapping']['user']);
    $this->assertEqual('@language.current_language_context:language_interface', $visibility['language']['context_mapping']['language']);
    // Check that a block with invalid context is being disabled and that it can
    // still be edited afterward.
    $disabled_block = Block::load('thirdtestfor2354889');
    $this->assertFalse($disabled_block->status(), 'Block with invalid context is disabled');
        'thirdtestfor2354889' => [
            'missing_context_ids' => [
                'baloney_spam' => [
            'status' => TRUE,
    ], \Drupal::keyValue('update_backup')->get('block_update_8001'));
    $disabled_block_visibility = $disabled_block->get('visibility');
    $this->assertTrue(!isset($disabled_block_visibility['node_type']), 'The problematic visibility condition has been removed.');
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        'administer blocks',

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