function ColorTest::_testColor

Tests the Color module functionality using the given theme.


string $theme: The machine name of the theme being tested.

array $test_values: An associative array of test settings (i.e. 'Main background', 'Text color', 'Color set', etc) for the theme which being tested.

1 call to ColorTest::_testColor()
ColorTest::testColor in core/modules/color/tests/src/Functional/ColorTest.php
Tests the Color module functionality.


core/modules/color/tests/src/Functional/ColorTest.php, line 107


Modify the Bartik theme colors and make sure the changes are reflected on the frontend.




public function _testColor($theme, $test_values) {
        ->set('default', $theme)
    $settings_path = 'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme;
    $this->assertUniqueText('Color set');
    $edit['scheme'] = '';
    $edit[$test_values['palette_input']] = '#123456';
    $this->drupalPostForm($settings_path, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $stylesheets = $this->config('color.theme.' . $theme)
    // Make sure the color stylesheet is included in the content.
    foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
        $this->assertPattern('|' . file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($stylesheet)) . '|');
        $stylesheet_content = implode("\n", file($stylesheet));
        $this->assertStringContainsString('color: #123456', $stylesheet_content, 'Make sure the color we changed is in the color stylesheet. (' . $theme . ')');
    $edit['scheme'] = $test_values['scheme'];
    $this->drupalPostForm($settings_path, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $stylesheets = $this->config('color.theme.' . $theme)
    foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
        $stylesheet_content = implode("\n", file($stylesheet));
        $this->assertStringContainsString('color: ' . $test_values['scheme_color'], $stylesheet_content, 'Make sure the color we changed is in the color stylesheet. (' . $theme . ')');
    // Test with aggregated CSS turned on.
    $config = $this->config('system.performance');
    $config->set('css.preprocess', 1);
    $stylesheets = \Drupal::state()->get('drupal_css_cache_files') ?: [];
    $stylesheet_content = '';
    foreach ($stylesheets as $uri) {
        $stylesheet_content .= implode("\n", file(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($uri)));
    $this->assertStringNotContainsString('public://', $stylesheet_content, 'Make sure the color paths have been translated to local paths. (' . $theme . ')');
    $config->set('css.preprocess', 0);

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