Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/contact/tests/src/Unit/MailHandlerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\contact\Unit\MailHandlerTest
  2. 9 core/modules/contact/tests/src/Unit/MailHandlerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\contact\Unit\MailHandlerTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\contact\MailHandler @group contact


Expanded class hierarchy of MailHandlerTest


core/modules/contact/tests/src/Unit/MailHandlerTest.php, line 18


View source
class MailHandlerTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Language manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $languageManager;

   * Logger service.
   * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $logger;

   * Mail manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Mail\MailManagerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $mailManager;

   * Contact mail messages service.
   * @var \Drupal\contact\MailHandlerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $contactMailHandler;

   * The contact form entity.
   * @var \Drupal\contact\ContactFormInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $contactForm;

   * The entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The user storage handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
  protected $userStorage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $this->mailManager = $this
    $this->languageManager = $this
    $this->logger = $this
    $this->entityTypeManager = $this
    $this->userStorage = $this
    $string_translation = $this
    $this->contactMailHandler = new MailHandler($this->mailManager, $this->languageManager, $this->logger, $string_translation, $this->entityTypeManager);
    $language = new Language([
      'id' => 'en',

   * Tests the children() method with an invalid key.
   * @covers ::sendMailMessages
  public function testInvalidRecipient() {
    $message = $this
    $sender = $this

    // User IDs 1 and 0 have special implications, use 3 instead.
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to determine message recipient');
      ->sendMailMessages($message, $sender);

   * Tests the sendMailMessages method.
   * @dataProvider getSendMailMessages
   * @covers ::sendMailMessages
  public function testSendMailMessages(bool $anonymous, ?bool $auto_reply, bool $copy_sender, array $results) {
    if ($anonymous) {
      $message = $this
        ->getAnonymousMockMessage(explode(', ', $results[0]['to']), $auto_reply, $copy_sender);
      $sender = $this
    else {
      $message = $this
      $sender = $this
        ->getMockSender(FALSE, '');
    $expected_params['contact_message'] = $message;
    $expected_params['sender'] = $sender;
    if ($anonymous) {
      $expected_params['contact_form'] = $message
    else {
      $expected_params['recipient'] = $message
      ->willReturnCallback(function ($module, $key, $to, $langcode, $params, $from) use (&$results, $expected_params) {
      $result = array_shift($results);
        ->assertEquals($module, $result['module']);
        ->assertEquals($key, $result['key']);
        ->assertEquals($to, $result['to']);
        ->assertEquals($langcode, $result['langcode']);
        ->assertEquals($params, $expected_params);
        ->assertEquals($from, $result['from']);
      ->willReturn(clone $sender);
      ->sendMailMessages($message, $sender);

   * Data provider for ::testSendMailMessages.
  public static function getSendMailMessages() {
    $default_result = [
      'module' => 'contact',
      'key' => 'page_mail',
      'to' => ',',
      'langcode' => 'en',
      'params' => [],
      'from' => '',
    $autoreply_result = [
      'key' => 'page_autoreply',
      'to' => '',
      'from' => NULL,
    ] + $default_result;
    $copy_result = [
      'key' => 'page_copy',
      'to' => '',
    ] + $default_result;
    (yield 'anonymous, no auto reply, no copy sender' => [
    (yield 'anonymous, auto reply, no copy sender' => [
    (yield 'anonymous, no auto reply, copy sender' => [
    (yield 'anonymous, auto reply, copy sender' => [

    // For authenticated user.
    $default_result = [
      'module' => 'contact',
      'key' => 'user_mail',
      'to' => '',
      'langcode' => 'en',
      'from' => '',
    $copy_result = [
      'key' => 'user_copy',
      'to' => '',
    ] + $default_result;
    (yield 'authenticated, no copy sender' => [
    (yield 'authenticated, copy sender' => [

   * Builds a mock sender on given scenario.
   * @param bool $anonymous
   *   TRUE if the sender is anonymous.
   * @param string $mail_address
   *   The mail address of the user.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
   *   Mock sender for testing.
  protected function getMockSender($anonymous = TRUE, $mail_address = '') {
    $sender = $this

    // User ID 1 has special implications, use 3 instead.
      ->willReturn($anonymous ? 0 : 3);
    if ($anonymous) {

      // Anonymous user values set in params include updated values for name and
      // mail.
      $sender->name = 'Anonymous (not verified)';
      $sender->mail = '';
    return $sender;

   * Builds a mock message from anonymous user.
   * @param array $recipients
   *   An array of recipient email addresses.
   * @param bool $auto_reply
   *   TRUE if auto reply is enable.
   * @param bool $copy_sender
   *   TRUE if a copy should be sent, FALSE if not.
   * @return \Drupal\contact\MessageInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
   *   Mock message for testing.
  protected function getAnonymousMockMessage($recipients, $auto_reply, $copy_sender = FALSE) {
    $message = $this
      ->getMockContactForm($recipients, $auto_reply ? 'reply' : ''));
    return $message;

   * Builds a mock message from authenticated user.
   * @param bool $copy_sender
   *   TRUE if a copy should be sent, FALSE if not.
   * @return \Drupal\contact\MessageInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
   *   Mock message for testing.
  protected function getAuthenticatedMockMessage($copy_sender = FALSE) {
    $message = $this
    $recipient = $this
    return $message;

   * Builds a mock message on given scenario.
   * @param array $recipients
   *   An array of recipient email addresses.
   * @param string $auto_reply
   *   An auto-reply message to send to the message author.
   * @return \Drupal\contact\ContactFormInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
   *   Mock message for testing.
  protected function getMockContactForm($recipients, $auto_reply) {
    $contact_form = $this
    return $contact_form;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MailHandlerTest::$contactForm protected property The contact form entity.
MailHandlerTest::$contactMailHandler protected property Contact mail messages service.
MailHandlerTest::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager.
MailHandlerTest::$languageManager protected property Language manager service.
MailHandlerTest::$logger protected property Logger service.
MailHandlerTest::$mailManager protected property Mail manager service.
MailHandlerTest::$userStorage protected property The user storage handler.
MailHandlerTest::getAnonymousMockMessage protected function Builds a mock message from anonymous user.
MailHandlerTest::getAuthenticatedMockMessage protected function Builds a mock message from authenticated user.
MailHandlerTest::getMockContactForm protected function Builds a mock message on given scenario.
MailHandlerTest::getMockSender protected function Builds a mock sender on given scenario.
MailHandlerTest::getSendMailMessages public static function Data provider for ::testSendMailMessages.
MailHandlerTest::setUp protected function Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp
MailHandlerTest::testInvalidRecipient public function Tests the children() method with an invalid key.
MailHandlerTest::testSendMailMessages public function Tests the sendMailMessages method.
PhpUnitWarnings::$deprecationWarnings private static property Deprecation warnings from PHPUnit to raise with @trigger_error().
PhpUnitWarnings::addWarning public function Converts PHPUnit deprecation warnings to E_USER_DEPRECATED.
RandomGeneratorTrait::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomMachineName protected function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomObject public function Generates a random PHP object.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomString public function Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomStringValidate Deprecated public function Callback for random string validation.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root. 1
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::setUpBeforeClass public static function
UnitTestCase::__get public function