function ViewsModerationStateFilterTest::testWorkflowChanges

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Functional/ViewsModerationStateFilterTest.php \Drupal\Tests\content_moderation\Functional\ViewsModerationStateFilterTest::testWorkflowChanges()
  2. 10 core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Functional/ViewsModerationStateFilterTest.php \Drupal\Tests\content_moderation\Functional\ViewsModerationStateFilterTest::testWorkflowChanges()
  3. 11.x core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Functional/ViewsModerationStateFilterTest.php \Drupal\Tests\content_moderation\Functional\ViewsModerationStateFilterTest::testWorkflowChanges()

Tests the moderation state filter when the configured workflow is changed.

@dataProvider providerTestWorkflowChanges


core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Functional/ViewsModerationStateFilterTest.php, line 171


Tests the views 'moderation_state_filter' filter plugin.




public function testWorkflowChanges($view_id) {
    // First, apply the Editorial workflow to both of our content types.
        'bundles[example_a]' => TRUE,
        'bundles[example_b]' => TRUE,
    ], 'Save');
    // Update the view and make the default filter not exposed anymore,
    // otherwise all results will be shown when there are no more moderated
    // bundles left.
    $this->submitForm([], 'Hide filter');
    $this->submitForm([], 'Save');
    // Add a few nodes in various moderation states.
        'type' => 'example_a',
        'moderation_state' => 'published',
        'type' => 'example_b',
        'moderation_state' => 'published',
    $archived_node_a = $this->createNode([
        'type' => 'example_a',
        'moderation_state' => 'archived',
    $archived_node_b = $this->createNode([
        'type' => 'example_b',
        'moderation_state' => 'archived',
    // Configure the view to only show nodes in the 'archived' moderation state.
    $edit['options[value][]'] = [
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Apply');
    $this->submitForm([], 'Save');
    // Check that only the archived nodes from both bundles are displayed by the
    // view.
    $view = $this->loadViewUnchanged($view_id);
    $this->executeAndAssertIdenticalResultset($view, [
            'nid' => $archived_node_a->id(),
            'nid' => $archived_node_b->id(),
    ], [
        'nid' => 'nid',
    // Remove the Editorial workflow from one of the bundles.
        'bundles[example_a]' => TRUE,
        'bundles[example_b]' => FALSE,
    ], 'Save');
    $view = $this->loadViewUnchanged($view_id);
    $this->executeAndAssertIdenticalResultset($view, [
            'nid' => $archived_node_a->id(),
    ], [
        'nid' => 'nid',
    // Check that the view can still be edited and saved without any
    // intervention.
    $this->submitForm([], 'Save');
    // Remove the Editorial workflow from both bundles.
        'bundles[example_a]' => FALSE,
        'bundles[example_b]' => FALSE,
    ], 'Save');
    // Check that the view doesn't return any result.
    $view = $this->loadViewUnchanged($view_id);
    $this->executeAndAssertIdenticalResultset($view, [], []);
    // Check that the view contains a broken filter, since the moderation_state
    // field was removed from the entity type.
    $this->submitForm([], 'Save');
        ->pageTextContains("Broken/missing handler");

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