Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/locale/ \locale_translation_source_check_file()
  2. 9 core/modules/locale/ \locale_translation_source_check_file()

Checks whether a po file exists in the local filesystem.

It will search in the directory set in the translation source. Which defaults to the "translations://" stream wrapper path. The directory may contain any valid stream wrapper.

The "local" files property of the source object contains the definition of a po file we are looking for. The file name defaults to %project-%version.%language.po. Per project this value can be overridden using the server_pattern directive in the module's .info.yml file or by using hook_locale_translation_projects_alter().


object $source: Translation source object.

Return value

object Source file object of the po file, updated with:

  • "uri": File name and path.
  • "timestamp": Last updated time of the po file.

FALSE if the file is not found.

See also


1 call to locale_translation_source_check_file()
locale_translation_check_projects_local in core/modules/locale/
Check and store the status and timestamp of local po files.


core/modules/locale/, line 172
Common API for interface translation.


function locale_translation_source_check_file($source) {
  if (isset($source->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL])) {
    $source_file = $source->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL];
    $directory = $source_file->directory;
    $filename = '/' . preg_quote($source_file->filename) . '$/';
    if (is_dir($directory)) {
      if ($files = \Drupal::service('file_system')
        ->scanDirectory($directory, $filename, [
        'key' => 'name',
        'recurse' => FALSE,
      ])) {
        $file = current($files);
        $source_file->uri = $file->uri;
        $source_file->timestamp = filemtime($file->uri);
        return $source_file;
  return FALSE;