function TemplateProjectTestBase::createTestProject
Creates a test project from a given template and installs Drupal.
string $template: The template to use. Can be 'RecommendedProject' or 'LegacyProject'.
3 calls to TemplateProjectTestBase::createTestProject()
- PackageInstallSubmoduleTest::testSubModules in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Build/ PackageInstallSubmoduleTest.php - Tests installing a Drupal submodule.
- PackageInstallTest::testPackageInstall in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Build/ PackageInstallTest.php - Tests installing packages in a stage directory.
- PackageUpdateTest::testPackageUpdate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Build/ PackageUpdateTest.php - Tests updating packages in a stage directory.
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Build/ TemplateProjectTestBase.php, line 259
- TemplateProjectTestBase
- Base class for tests which create a test site from a core project template.
protected function createTestProject(string $template) : void {
// Create a copy of core (including its Composer plugins, templates, and
// metapackages) which we can modify.
$workspace_dir = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory();
$project_dir = $workspace_dir . '/project';
$data = file_get_contents("{$workspace_dir}/composer/Template/{$template}/composer.json");
$data = json_decode($data, TRUE, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
// Allow pre-release versions of dependencies.
$data['minimum-stability'] = 'dev';
// Remove all repositories and replace them with a single local one that
// provides all dependencies.
$data['repositories'] = [
'vendor' => [
'type' => 'composer',
'url' => 'file://' . $workspace_dir . '/vendor.json',
// Disable Packagist entirely so that we don't test the Internet.
'' => FALSE,
// Allow any version of the Drupal core packages in the template project.
// Do not run development Composer plugin, since it tries to run an
// executable that might not exist while dependencies are being installed.
// It adds no value to this test.
$data['config']['allow-plugins']['dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer'] = FALSE;
// Always force Composer to mirror path repositories. This is necessary
// because dependencies are installed from a Composer-type repository, which
// will normally try to symlink packages which are installed from local
// directories. This breaks Package Manager, because it does not support
// symlinks pointing outside the main code base.
$script = '@putenv COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS=1';
$data['scripts']['pre-install-cmd'] = $script;
$data['scripts']['pre-update-cmd'] = $script;
file_put_contents($project_dir . '/composer.json', json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
// Because we set the COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS=1 environment variable when
// creating the project, none of the dependencies should be symlinked.
$this->assertStringNotContainsString('Symlinking', $this->runComposer('composer install', 'project'));
// If using the drupal/recommended-project template, we don't expect there
// to be an .htaccess file at the project root. One would normally be
// generated by Composer when Package Manager or other code creates a
// ComposerInspector object in the active directory, except that Package
// Manager takes specific steps to prevent that. So, here we're just
// confirming that, in fact, Composer's .htaccess protection was disabled.
// We don't do this for the drupal/legacy-project template because its
// project root, which is also the document root, SHOULD contain a .htaccess
// generated by Drupal core.
// We do this check because this test uses PHP's built-in web server, which
// ignores .htaccess files and everything in them, so a Composer-generated
// .htaccess file won't cause this test to fail.
if ($template === 'RecommendedProject') {
// Now that we know the project was created successfully, we can set the
// web root with confidence.
$this->webRoot = 'project/' . $data['extra']['drupal-scaffold']['locations']['web-root'];
// Install Drupal.
$this->formLogin($this->adminUsername, $this->adminPassword);
// When checking for updates, we need to be able to make sub-requests, but
// the built-in PHP server is single-threaded. Therefore, open a second
// server instance on another port, which will serve the metadata about
// available updates.
$port = $this->findAvailablePort();
$this->metadataServer = $this->instantiateServer($port);
$code = <<<END
\$config['update.settings']['fetch']['url'] = 'http://localhost:{<span class="php-variable">$port</span>}/test-release-history';
// Ensure Package Manager logs Composer Stager's process output to a file
// named for the current test.
$log = $this->getDrupalRoot() . '/sites/simpletest/browser_output';
@mkdir($log, recursive: TRUE);
$log .= '/' . str_replace('\\', '_', static::class) . '-' . $this->name();
if ($this->usesDataProvider()) {
$log .= '-' . preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $this->dataName());
$code .= <<<END
\$config['package_manager.settings']['log'] = '{<span class="php-variable">$log</span>}-package_manager.log';
// Install helpful modules.
// Confirm the server time out settings.
// @see \Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\TemplateProjectTestBase::instantiateServer()
->pageTextContains("max_execution_time=" . static::MAX_EXECUTION_TIME . ":set_time_limit-exists=no");
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