function PackageManagerKernelTestBase::registerPostUpdateFunctions
Marks all pending post-update functions as completed.
Since kernel tests don't normally install modules and register their updates, this method makes sure that we are testing from a clean, fully up-to-date state.
2 calls to PackageManagerKernelTestBase::registerPostUpdateFunctions()
- PackageManagerKernelTestBase::enableModules in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PackageManagerKernelTestBase.php - Enables modules for this test.
- PackageManagerKernelTestBase::setUp in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PackageManagerKernelTestBase.php
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PackageManagerKernelTestBase.php, line 248
- PackageManagerKernelTestBase
- Base class for kernel tests of Package Manager's functionality.
protected function registerPostUpdateFunctions() : void {
static $updates = [];
$updates = array_merge($updates, $this->container
->set('existing_updates', $updates);
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