function StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewExposedFilter

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\Views\StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewExposedFilter()
  2. 10 core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\Views\StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewExposedFilter()
  3. 11.x core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\Views\StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewExposedFilter()

Tests the exposed filter works.

There is an exposed filter on the title field which takes a title query parameter. This is set to filter nodes by those whose title starts with the value provided.


core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php, line 798


Tests the serializer style plugin.




public function testRestViewExposedFilter() {
        'type' => 'page',
    $node0 = $this->drupalCreateNode([
        'title' => 'Node 1',
    $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode([
        'title' => 'Node 11',
    $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode([
        'title' => 'Node 111',
    // Test that no filter brings back all three nodes.
    $result = Json::decode($this->drupalGet('test/serialize/node-exposed-filter', [
        'query' => [
            '_format' => 'json',
    $expected = [
        0 => [
            'nid' => $node0->id(),
            'body' => $node0->body->processed,
        1 => [
            'nid' => $node1->id(),
            'body' => $node1->body->processed,
        2 => [
            'nid' => $node2->id(),
            'body' => $node2->body->processed,
    $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, 'Querying a view with no exposed filter returns all nodes.');
    // Test that title starts with 'Node 11' query finds 2 of the 3 nodes.
    $result = Json::decode($this->drupalGet('test/serialize/node-exposed-filter', [
        'query' => [
            '_format' => 'json',
            'title' => 'Node 11',
    $expected = [
        0 => [
            'nid' => $node1->id(),
            'body' => $node1->body->processed,
        1 => [
            'nid' => $node2->id(),
            'body' => $node2->body->processed,
    $cache_contexts = [
    $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, 'Querying a view with a starts with exposed filter on the title returns nodes whose title starts with value provided.');

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