function WebTestBase::clickLinkHelper
Provides a helper for ::clickLink() and ::clickLinkPartialName().
string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $label: Text between the anchor tags, uses starts-with().
int $index: Link position counting from zero.
string $pattern: A pattern to use for the XPath.
Return value
bool|string Page contents on success, or FALSE on failure.
2 calls to WebTestBase::clickLinkHelper()
- WebTestBase::clickLink in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Follows a link by complete name.
- WebTestBase::clickLinkPartialName in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Follows a link by partial name.
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php, line 1731
- WebTestBase
- Test case for typical Drupal tests.
protected function clickLinkHelper($label, $index, $pattern) {
// Cast MarkupInterface objects to string.
$label = (string) $label;
$url_before = $this->getUrl();
$urls = $this->xpath($pattern, [
':label' => $label,
if (isset($urls[$index])) {
$url_target = $this->getAbsoluteUrl($urls[$index]['href']);
$this->pass(new FormattableMarkup('Clicked link %label (@url_target) from @url_before', [
'%label' => $label,
'@url_target' => $url_target,
'@url_before' => $url_before,
]), 'Browser');
return $this->drupalGet($url_target);
$this->fail(new FormattableMarkup('Link %label does not exist on @url_before', [
'%label' => $label,
'@url_before' => $url_before,
]), 'Browser');
return FALSE;
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