function SystemHooks::pageTop
Implements hook_page_top().
modules/ system/ src/ Hook/ SystemHooks.php, line 441
- SystemHooks
- Hook implementations for system.
public function pageTop() : void {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\AdminContext $admin_context */
$admin_context = \Drupal::service('router.admin_context');
if ($admin_context->isAdminRoute() && \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('administer site configuration')) {
$route_match = \Drupal::routeMatch();
$route_name = $route_match->getRouteName();
if ($route_name !== 'system.status' && \Drupal::config('system.advisories')->get('enabled')) {
/** @var \Drupal\system\SecurityAdvisories\SecurityAdvisoriesFetcher $fetcher */
$fetcher = \Drupal::service('system.sa_fetcher');
$advisories = $fetcher->getSecurityAdvisories(FALSE);
if ($advisories) {
$messenger = \Drupal::messenger();
$display_as_errors = FALSE;
$links = [];
foreach ($advisories as $advisory) {
// To ensure that all the advisory messages are grouped together on
// the page, they must all be warnings or all be errors. If any
// advisories are not public service announcements, then display all
// the messages as errors because security advisories already tied to
// a specific release are immediately actionable by upgrading to a
// secure version of a project.
$display_as_errors = $display_as_errors ? TRUE : !$advisory->isPsa();
$links[] = new Link($advisory->getTitle(), Url::fromUri($advisory->getUrl()));
foreach ($links as $link) {
$display_as_errors ? $messenger->addError($link) : $messenger->addWarning($link);
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('help')) {
$help_link = t('(<a href=":system-help">What are critical security announcements?</a>)', [
':system-help' => Url::fromRoute('', [
'name' => 'system',
], [
'fragment' => 'security-advisories',
$display_as_errors ? $messenger->addError($help_link) : $messenger->addWarning($help_link);
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