function JSWebAssert::waitForHelper

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php \Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\JSWebAssert::waitForHelper()
  2. 10 core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php \Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\JSWebAssert::waitForHelper()

Wraps waits in a function to catch curl exceptions to continue waiting.


int $timeout: Timeout in milliseconds.

callable $callback: Callback, which result is both used as waiting condition and returned.

Return value

mixed The result of $callback.

5 calls to JSWebAssert::waitForHelper()
JSWebAssert::statusMessageNotContains in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php
Asserts that a status message containing a given string does not exist.
JSWebAssert::waitForElement in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php
Waits for the specified selector and returns it when available.
JSWebAssert::waitForElementRemoved in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php
Looks for the specified selector and returns TRUE when it is unavailable.
JSWebAssert::waitForElementVisible in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php
Waits for the specified selector and returns it when available and visible.
JSWebAssert::waitForText in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php
Waits for the specified text and returns TRUE when it is available.


core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/JSWebAssert.php, line 229


Defines a class with methods for asserting presence of elements during tests.




private function waitForHelper(int $timeout, callable $callback) {
    return $this->session
        ->waitFor($timeout / 1000, $callback);

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