function AttributeClassDiscoveryCachedTest::testGetDefinitions

Same name in other branches
  1. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Plugin/Attribute/AttributeClassDiscoveryCachedTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Attribute\AttributeClassDiscoveryCachedTest::testGetDefinitions()

Tests that getDefinitions() retrieves the file cache correctly.

@covers ::getDefinitions


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Plugin/Attribute/AttributeClassDiscoveryCachedTest.php, line 44


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\AttributeClassDiscovery @group Attribute @runTestsInSeparateProcesses




public function testGetDefinitions() : void {
    // Path to the classes which we'll discover and parse annotation.
    $discovery_path = __DIR__ . "/../../../../../fixtures/plugins/Plugin";
    // File path that should be discovered within that directory.
    $file_path = $discovery_path . '/PluginNamespace/AttributeDiscoveryTest1.php';
    // Define a file path within the directory that should not be discovered.
    $non_discoverable_file_path = $discovery_path . '/PluginNamespace/AttributeDiscoveryTest2.php';
    $discovery = new AttributeClassDiscovery([
        'com\\example' => [
        'discovery_test_1' => [
            'id' => 'discovery_test_1',
            'class' => 'com\\example\\PluginNamespace\\AttributeDiscoveryTest1',
    ], $discovery->getDefinitions());
    // Gain access to the file cache.
    $ref_file_cache = new \ReflectionProperty($discovery, 'fileCache');
    /** @var \Drupal\Component\FileCache\FileCacheInterface $file_cache */
    $file_cache = $ref_file_cache->getValue($discovery);
    // The valid plugin definition should be cached.
        'id' => 'discovery_test_1',
        'class' => 'com\\example\\PluginNamespace\\AttributeDiscoveryTest1',
    ], unserialize($file_cache->get($file_path)['content']));
    // The plugin that extends a missing class should not be cached.
    // Change the file cache entry.
    // The file cache is keyed by the file path, and we'll add some known
    // content to test against.
    $file_cache->set($file_path, [
        'id' => 'wrong_id',
        'content' => serialize([
            'an' => 'array',
    // Now perform the same query and check for the cached results.
        'wrong_id' => [
            'an' => 'array',
    ], $discovery->getDefinitions());

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