Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Extension/ExtensionDiscoveryTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscoveryTest
  2. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Extension/ExtensionDiscoveryTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscoveryTest

Tests discovery of extensions.

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery @group Extension


Expanded class hierarchy of ExtensionDiscoveryTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Extension/ExtensionDiscoveryTest.php, line 21


View source
class ExtensionDiscoveryTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Tests extension discovery in a virtual filesystem with vfsStream.
   * @covers ::scan
  public function testExtensionDiscoveryVfs() {

    // Set up the file system.
    $filesystem = [];
    $files_by_type_and_name_expected = $this
    $vfs = vfsStream::setup('root', NULL, $filesystem);
    $root = $vfs
      ->assertFileExists($root . '/core/modules/system/system.module');
      ->assertFileExists($root . '/core/modules/system/');

    // Create an ExtensionDiscovery with $root.
    $extension_discovery = new ExtensionDiscovery($root, FALSE, NULL, 'sites/default');

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension[][] $extensions_by_type */
    $extensions_by_type = [];
    $files_by_type_and_name = [];
    foreach ([
    ] as $type) {
      $extensions_by_type[$type] = $extension_discovery
        ->scan($type, FALSE);
      foreach ($extensions_by_type[$type] as $name => $extension) {
        $files_by_type_and_name[$type][$name] = $extension
      if ($type === 'profile') {

        // Set profile directories for discovery of the other extension types.
          'my_profile' => 'profiles/my_profile',
      ->assertEquals($files_by_type_and_name_expected, $files_by_type_and_name);
    $extension_expected = new Extension($root, 'module', 'core/modules/system/', 'system.module');
    $extension_expected->subpath = 'modules/system';
    $extension_expected->origin = 'core';
      ->assertEquals($extension_expected, $extensions_by_type['module']['system'], 'system');
    $extension_expected = new Extension($root, 'theme_engine', 'core/themes/engines/twig/', 'twig.engine');
    $extension_expected->subpath = 'themes/engines/twig';
    $extension_expected->origin = 'core';
      ->assertEquals($extension_expected, $extensions_by_type['theme_engine']['twig'], 'twig');

   * Tests changing extension discovery file cache objects to arrays.
   * @covers ::scan
   * @runInSeparateProcess
  public function testExtensionDiscoveryCache() {

    // Set up an extension object in the cache to mimic site prior to changing
    // \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::scanDirectory() to cache an
    // array instead of an object. Note we cannot use the VFS file system
    // because FileCache does not support stream wrappers.
    $extension = new Extension($this->root, 'module', 'core/modules/user/', 'user.module');
    $extension->subpath = 'modules/user';
    $extension->origin = 'core';

    // Undo \Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase::setUp() so FileCache works.
    $file_cache = FileCacheFactory::get('extension_discovery');
      ->set($this->root . '/core/modules/user/', $extension);

    // Create an ExtensionDiscovery object to test.
    $extension_discovery = new ExtensionDiscovery($this->root, TRUE, [], 'sites/default');
    $modules = $extension_discovery
      ->scan('module', FALSE);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('user', $modules);
      ->assertEquals((array) $extension, (array) $modules['user']);
      ->assertNotSame($extension, $modules['user']);

    // FileCache item should now be an array.
      'type' => 'module',
      'pathname' => 'core/modules/user/',
      'filename' => 'user.module',
      'subpath' => 'modules/user',
    ], $file_cache
      ->get($this->root . '/core/modules/user/'));

   * Tests finding modules that have a trailing comment on the type property.
   * @covers ::scan
  public function testExtensionDiscoveryTypeComment() : void {
    $extension_discovery = new ExtensionDiscovery($this->root, TRUE, [], 'sites/default');
    $modules = $extension_discovery
      ->scan('module', TRUE);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('module_info_type_comment', $modules);

   * Adds example files to the filesystem structure.
   * @param array $filesystem_structure
   *   An associative array where each key represents a directory.
   * @return string[][]
   *   Format: $[$type][$name] = $yml_file
   *   E.g. $['module']['system'] = ''
  protected function populateFilesystemStructure(array &$filesystem_structure) {
    $info_by_file = [
      'core/profiles/standard/' => [
        'type' => 'profile',
      'core/profiles/minimal/' => [
        'type' => 'profile',
      'core/themes/test_theme/' => [
        'type' => 'theme',
      // Override the core instance of the 'test_theme' theme.
      'sites/default/themes/test_theme/' => [
        'type' => 'theme',
      // Override the core instance of the 'minimal' profile.
      'sites/default/profiles/minimal/' => [
        'type' => 'profile',
      'profiles/my_profile/' => [
        'type' => 'profile',
      'profiles/my_profile/modules/my_profile_nested_module/' => [],
      'profiles/other_profile/' => [
        'type' => 'profile',
      'core/modules/user/' => [],
      'profiles/other_profile/modules/other_profile_nested_module/' => [],
      'core/modules/system/' => [],
      'modules/devel/' => [],
      'modules/poorly_placed_theme/' => [
        'type' => 'theme',
      'core/themes/engines/twig/' => [
        'type' => 'theme_engine',
    $files_by_type_and_name_expected = [];
    $content_by_file = [];
    foreach ($info_by_file as $file => $info) {
      $name = basename($file, '.info.yml');
      $info += [
        'type' => 'module',
        'name' => "Name of ({$name})",
        'core' => '8.x',
      $type = $info['type'];
      $content_by_file[$file] = Yaml::dump($info);
      $files_by_type_and_name_expected[$type][$name] = $file;
    $content_by_file['core/modules/system/system.module'] = '<?php';
    $content_by_file['core/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine'] = '<?php';
    foreach ($content_by_file as $file => $content) {
      $pieces = explode('/', $file);
        ->addFileToFilesystemStructure($filesystem_structure, $pieces, $content);
    return $files_by_type_and_name_expected;

   * @param array $filesystem_structure
   *   An associative array where each key represents a directory.
   * @param string[] $pieces
   *   Fragments of the file path.
   * @param string $content
   *   The contents of the file.
  protected function addFileToFilesystemStructure(array &$filesystem_structure, array $pieces, $content) {
    $piece = array_shift($pieces);
    if ($pieces !== []) {
      $filesystem_structure += [
        $piece => [],
        ->addFileToFilesystemStructure($filesystem_structure[$piece], $pieces, $content);
    else {
      $filesystem_structure[$piece] = $content;

   * Tests deprecated iterator.
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Extension\Discovery\RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator
   * @group legacy
  public function testDeprecatedIterator() : void {
      ->expectDeprecation('The Drupal\\Core\\Extension\\Discovery\\RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Extension\\Discovery\\RecursiveExtensionFilterCallback instead. See');
    $recursive_extension_filter_iterator = new RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'));
      ->assertInstanceOf(RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator::class, $recursive_extension_filter_iterator);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::addFileToFilesystemStructure protected function
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::populateFilesystemStructure protected function Adds example files to the filesystem structure.
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::testDeprecatedIterator public function Tests deprecated iterator.
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::testExtensionDiscoveryCache public function Tests changing extension discovery file cache objects to arrays.
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::testExtensionDiscoveryTypeComment public function Tests finding modules that have a trailing comment on the type property.
ExtensionDiscoveryTest::testExtensionDiscoveryVfs public function Tests extension discovery in a virtual filesystem with vfsStream.
PhpUnitWarnings::$deprecationWarnings private static property Deprecation warnings from PHPUnit to raise with @trigger_error().
PhpUnitWarnings::addWarning public function Converts PHPUnit deprecation warnings to E_USER_DEPRECATED.
RandomGeneratorTrait::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomMachineName protected function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomObject public function Generates a random PHP object.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomString public function Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomStringValidate Deprecated public function Callback for random string validation.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root. 1
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::setUp protected function 305
UnitTestCase::setUpBeforeClass public static function
UnitTestCase::__get public function