Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.x modules/system/system.api.php \hook_watchdog()

Log an event message

This hook allows modules to route log events to custom destinations, such as SMS, Email, pager, syslog, ...etc.


$log_entry: An associative array containing the following keys:

  • type: The type of message for this entry. For contributed modules, this is normally the module name. Do not use 'debug', use severity WATCHDOG_DEBUG instead.
  • user: The user object for the user who was logged in when the event happened.
  • request_uri: The Request URI for the page the event happened in.
  • referer: The page that referred the use to the page where the event occurred.
  • ip: The IP address where the request for the page came from.
  • timestamp: The UNIX timetamp of the date/time the event occurred
  • severity: One of the following values as defined in RFC 3164 WATCHDOG_EMERG Emergency: system is unusable WATCHDOG_ALERT Alert: action must be taken immediately WATCHDOG_CRITICAL Critical: critical conditions WATCHDOG_ERROR Error: error conditions WATCHDOG_WARNING Warning: warning conditions WATCHDOG_NOTICE Notice: normal but significant condition WATCHDOG_INFO Informational: informational messages WATCHDOG_DEBUG Debug: debug-level messages
  • link: an optional link provided by the module that called the watchdog() function.
  • message: The text of the message to be logged.

Return value


Related topics

2 functions implement hook_watchdog()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

dblog_watchdog in modules/dblog/dblog.module
Implementation of hook_watchdog().
syslog_watchdog in modules/syslog/syslog.module


developer/hooks/core.php, line 2562
These are the hooks that are invoked by the Drupal core.


function hook_watchdog($log_entry) {
  global $base_url, $language;
  $severity_list = array(
    WATCHDOG_EMERG => t('Emergency'),
    WATCHDOG_ALERT => t('Alert'),
    WATCHDOG_CRITICAL => t('Critical'),
    WATCHDOG_ERROR => t('Error'),
    WATCHDOG_WARNING => t('Warning'),
    WATCHDOG_NOTICE => t('Notice'),
    WATCHDOG_INFO => t('Info'),
    WATCHDOG_DEBUG => t('Debug'),
  $to = '';
  $params = array();
  $params['subject'] = t('[@site_name] @severity_desc: Alert from your web site', array(
    '@site_name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    '@severity_desc' => $severity_list[$log_entry['severity']],
  $params['message'] = "\nSite:         @base_url";
  $params['message'] .= "\nSeverity:     (@severity) @severity_desc";
  $params['message'] .= "\nTimestamp:    @timestamp";
  $params['message'] .= "\nType:         @type";
  $params['message'] .= "\nIP Address:   @ip";
  $params['message'] .= "\nRequest URI:  @request_uri";
  $params['message'] .= "\nReferrer URI: @referer_uri";
  $params['message'] .= "\nUser:         (@uid) @name";
  $params['message'] .= "\nLink:         @link";
  $params['message'] .= "\nMessage:      \n\n@message";
  $params['message'] = t($params['message'], array(
    '@base_url' => $base_url,
    '@severity' => $log_entry['severity'],
    '@severity_desc' => $severity_list[$log_entry['severity']],
    '@timestamp' => format_date($log_entry['timestamp']),
    '@type' => $log_entry['type'],
    '@ip' => $log_entry['ip'],
    '@request_uri' => $log_entry['request_uri'],
    '@referer_uri' => $log_entry['referer'],
    '@uid' => $log_entry['user']->uid,
    '@name' => $log_entry['user']->name,
    '@link' => strip_tags($log_entry['link']),
    '@message' => strip_tags($log_entry['message']),
  drupal_mail('emaillog', 'log', $to, $language, $params);