Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
forum_form modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_form(). 2
forum_form_alter modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
forum_form_container modules/forum.module Returns a form for adding a container to the forum vocabulary 1
forum_form_forum modules/forum.module Returns a form for adding a forum to the forum vocabulary 1
forum_form_submit modules/forum.module Process forum form and container form submissions.
forum_get_forums modules/forum.module Returns a list of all forums for a given taxonomy id 1
forum_get_topics modules/forum.module 1
forum_help modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_help().
forum_insert modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_insert().
forum_load modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_load().
forum_menu modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_menu().
forum_nodeapi modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
forum_node_info modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_node_info().
forum_overview modules/forum.module Returns an overview list of existing forums and containers 1
forum_page modules/forum.module Menu callback; prints a forum listing. 1
forum_perm modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_perm().
forum_prepare modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_prepare; assign forum taxonomy when adding a topic from within a forum.
forum_submit modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_submit().
forum_taxonomy modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
forum_term_path modules/forum.module
forum_update modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_update().
forum_validate modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_validate().
forum_view modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_view().
help_help modules/help.module Implementation of hook_help().
help_links_as_list modules/help.module 1
help_main modules/help.module Menu callback; prints a page listing a glossary of Drupal terminology. 1
help_menu modules/help.module Implementation of hook_menu().
help_page modules/help.module Menu callback; prints a page listing general help for all modules. 1
hook_access developer/hooks/node.php Define access restrictions.
hook_auth developer/hooks/authentication.php Verify authentication of a user.
hook_block developer/hooks/core.php Declare a block or set of blocks.
hook_comment developer/hooks/core.php Act on comments.
hook_cron developer/hooks/core.php Perform periodic actions.
hook_db_rewrite_sql developer/hooks/core.php Add JOIN and WHERE statements to queries and decide whether the primary_field shall be made DISTINCT. For node objects, primary field is always called nid. For taxonomy terms, it is tid and for vocabularies it is vid. For comments, it is cid. Primary…
hook_delete developer/hooks/node.php Respond to node deletion.
hook_elements developer/hooks/core.php Allows modules to declare their own form element types and specify their default values.
hook_exit developer/hooks/core.php Perform cleanup tasks.
hook_file_download developer/hooks/core.php Allow file downloads.
hook_filter developer/hooks/core.php Define content filters.
hook_filter_tips developer/hooks/core.php Provide tips for using filters.
hook_footer developer/hooks/core.php Insert closing HTML.
hook_form developer/hooks/node.php Display a node editing form.
hook_form_alter developer/hooks/core.php Perform alterations before a form is rendered. One popular use of this hook is to add form elements to the node form.
hook_help developer/hooks/core.php Provide online user help.
hook_info developer/hooks/authentication.php Declare authentication scheme information.
hook_init developer/hooks/core.php Perform setup tasks.
hook_insert developer/hooks/node.php Respond to node insertion.
hook_install developer/hooks/install.php Install the current version of the database schema.
hook_link developer/hooks/core.php Define internal Drupal links.
hook_load developer/hooks/node.php Load node-type-specific information.


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