function _filter_xss_attributes
Processes a string of HTML attributes.
Return value
Cleaned up version of the HTML attributes.
Related topics
1 call to _filter_xss_attributes()
- _filter_xss_split in includes/ - Processes an HTML tag.
includes/, line 1651
function _filter_xss_attributes($attr) {
$attrarr = array();
$mode = 0;
$attrname = '';
while (strlen($attr) != 0) {
// Was the last operation successful?
$working = 0;
switch ($mode) {
case 0:
// Attribute name, href for instance.
if (preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z]+)/', $attr, $match)) {
$attrname = strtolower($match[1]);
$skip = $attrname == 'style' || substr($attrname, 0, 2) == 'on' || substr($attrname, 0, 1) == '-' || strlen($attrname) > 96;
$working = $mode = 1;
$attr = preg_replace('/^[-a-zA-Z]+/', '', $attr);
case 1:
// Equals sign or valueless ("selected").
if (preg_match('/^\\s*=\\s*/', $attr)) {
$working = 1;
$mode = 2;
$attr = preg_replace('/^\\s*=\\s*/', '', $attr);
if (preg_match('/^\\s+/', $attr)) {
$working = 1;
$mode = 0;
if (!$skip) {
$attrarr[] = $attrname;
$attr = preg_replace('/^\\s+/', '', $attr);
case 2:
// Attribute value, a URL after href= for instance.
if (preg_match('/^"([^"]*)"(\\s+|$)/', $attr, $match)) {
$thisval = filter_xss_bad_protocol($match[1]);
if (!$skip) {
$attrarr[] = "{$attrname}=\"{$thisval}\"";
$working = 1;
$mode = 0;
$attr = preg_replace('/^"[^"]*"(\\s+|$)/', '', $attr);
if (preg_match("/^'([^']*)'(\\s+|\$)/", $attr, $match)) {
$thisval = filter_xss_bad_protocol($match[1]);
if (!$skip) {
$attrarr[] = "{$attrname}='{$thisval}'";
$working = 1;
$mode = 0;
$attr = preg_replace("/^'[^']*'(\\s+|\$)/", '', $attr);
if (preg_match("%^([^\\s\"']+)(\\s+|\$)%", $attr, $match)) {
$thisval = filter_xss_bad_protocol($match[1]);
if (!$skip) {
$attrarr[] = "{$attrname}=\"{$thisval}\"";
$working = 1;
$mode = 0;
$attr = preg_replace("%^[^\\s\"']+(\\s+|\$)%", '', $attr);
if ($working == 0) {
// Not well formed; remove and try again.
$attr = preg_replace('/
"[^"]*("|$) # - a string that starts with a double quote, up until the next double quote or the end of the string
| # or
\'[^\']*(\'|$)| # - a string that starts with a quote, up until the next quote or the end of the string
| # or
\\S # - a non-whitespace character
)* # any number of the above three
\\s* # any number of whitespaces
/x', '', $attr);
$mode = 0;
// The attribute list ends with a valueless attribute like "selected".
if ($mode == 1 && !$skip) {
$attrarr[] = $attrname;
return $attrarr;
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