CommonURLUnitTest::testDrupalHttpBuildQuery in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test drupal_http_build_query().
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequest in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
drupal_current_script_url in includes/
Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters.
drupal_get_destination in includes/
Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with drupal_goto().
drupal_http_request in includes/
Performs an HTTP request.
image_style_url in modules/image/image.module
Returns the URL for an image derivative given a style and image path.
install_redirect_url in includes/
Returns the URL that should be redirected to during an installation request.
MenuTestCase::assertMenuLink in modules/menu/menu.test
Fetch the menu item from the database and compare it to the specified array.
menu_edit_item in modules/menu/
Menu callback; Build the menu link editing form.
shortcut_preprocess_page in modules/shortcut/shortcut.module
Implements hook_preprocess_page().
url in includes/
Generates an internal or external URL.