Log errors as defined by administrator.

Error levels:

  • 0 = Log errors to database.
  • 1 = Log errors to database and to screen.
1 string reference to 'drupal_error_handler'
_drupal_bootstrap_full in includes/common.inc


includes/common.inc, line 685
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function drupal_error_handler($errno, $message, $filename, $line, $context) {

  // If the @ error suppression operator was used, error_reporting will have
  // been temporarily set to 0.
  if (error_reporting() == 0) {
  if ($errno & (E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE)) {
    $types = array(
      1 => 'error',
      2 => 'warning',
      4 => 'parse error',
      8 => 'notice',
      16 => 'core error',
      32 => 'core warning',
      64 => 'compile error',
      128 => 'compile warning',
      256 => 'user error',
      512 => 'user warning',
      1024 => 'user notice',
      2048 => 'strict warning',
      4096 => 'recoverable fatal error',

    // For database errors, we want the line number/file name of the place that
    // the query was originally called, not _db_query().
    if (isset($context[DB_ERROR])) {
      $backtrace = array_reverse(debug_backtrace());

      // List of functions where SQL queries can originate.
      $query_functions = array(

      // Determine where query function was called, and adjust line/file
      // accordingly.
      foreach ($backtrace as $index => $function) {
        if (in_array($function['function'], $query_functions)) {
          $line = $backtrace[$index]['line'];
          $filename = $backtrace[$index]['file'];

    // Try to use filter_xss(). If it's too early in the bootstrap process for
    // filter_xss() to be loaded, use check_plain() instead.
    $entry = check_plain($types[$errno]) . ': ' . (function_exists('filter_xss') ? filter_xss($message) : check_plain($message)) . ' in ' . check_plain($filename) . ' on line ' . check_plain($line) . '.';

    // Force display of error messages in update.php.
    if (variable_get('error_level', 1) == 1 || strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'update.php')) {
      drupal_set_message($entry, 'error');
    watchdog('php', '%message in %file on line %line.', array(
      '%error' => $types[$errno],
      '%message' => $message,
      '%file' => $filename,
      '%line' => $line,