function drupal_parse_dependency
Parses a dependency for comparison by drupal_check_incompatibility().
$dependency: A dependency string, which specifies a module dependency, and optionally the project it comes from and versions that are supported. Supported formats include:
- 'module'
- 'project:module'
- 'project:module (>=version, version)'
Return value
An associative array with three keys:
- 'name' includes the name of the thing to depend on (e.g. 'foo').
- 'original_version' contains the original version string (which can be used in the UI for reporting incompatibilities).
- 'versions' is a list of associative arrays, each containing the keys 'op' and 'version'. 'op' can be one of: '=', '==', '!=', '<>', '<', '<=', '>', or '>='. 'version' is one piece like '4.5-beta3'.
Callers should pass this structure to drupal_check_incompatibility().
See also
1 call to drupal_parse_dependency()
- _module_build_dependencies in includes/ - Determines which modules require and are required by each module.
includes/, line 7907
function drupal_parse_dependency($dependency) {
$value = array();
// Split out the optional project name.
if (strpos($dependency, ':')) {
list($project_name, $dependency) = explode(':', $dependency);
$value['project'] = $project_name;
// We use named subpatterns and support every op that version_compare
// supports. Also, op is optional and defaults to equals.
$p_op = '(?P<operation>!=|==|=|<|<=|>|>=|<>)?';
// Core version is always optional: 7.x-2.x and 2.x is treated the same.
$p_core = '(?:' . preg_quote(DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY) . '-)?';
$p_major = '(?P<major>\\d+)';
// By setting the minor version to x, branches can be matched.
$p_minor = '(?P<minor>(?:\\d+|x)(?:-[A-Za-z]+\\d+)?)';
$parts = explode('(', $dependency, 2);
$value['name'] = trim($parts[0]);
if (isset($parts[1])) {
$value['original_version'] = ' (' . $parts[1];
foreach (explode(',', $parts[1]) as $version) {
if (preg_match("/^\\s*{$p_op}\\s*{$p_core}{$p_major}\\.{$p_minor}/", $version, $matches)) {
$op = !empty($matches['operation']) ? $matches['operation'] : '=';
if ($matches['minor'] == 'x') {
// Drupal considers "2.x" to mean any version that begins with
// "2" (e.g. 2.0, 2.9 are all "2.x"). PHP's version_compare(),
// on the other hand, treats "x" as a string; so to
// version_compare(), "2.x" is considered less than 2.0. This
// means that >=2.x and <2.x are handled by version_compare()
// as we need, but > and <= are not.
if ($op == '>' || $op == '<=') {
// Equivalence can be checked by adding two restrictions.
if ($op == '=' || $op == '==') {
$value['versions'][] = array(
'op' => '<',
'version' => $matches['major'] + 1 . '.x',
$op = '>=';
$value['versions'][] = array(
'op' => $op,
'version' => $matches['major'] . '.' . $matches['minor'],
return $value;
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