Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.7.x includes/ \element_children()
  2. 6.x includes/ \element_children()
  3. 7.x includes/ \element_children()

Get keys of a structured array tree element that are not properties (i.e., do not begin with '#').

Related topics

1 call to element_children()
drupal_render in includes/
Renders HTML given a structured array tree. Recursively iterates over each of the array elements, generating HTML code. This function is usually called from within a another function, like drupal_get_form() or node_view().


includes/, line 2376
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function element_children($element) {
  return array_filter(array_keys((array) $element), 'element_child');