Fetches the feed either from a local cache or fresh remotely.

The feed follows the "JSON Feed" format:

The structure of an announcement item in the feed is:

  • id: Id.
  • title: Title of the announcement.
  • content_html: Announcement teaser.
  • url: URL
  • date_modified: Last updated timestamp.
  • date_published: Created timestamp.
  • _drupalorg.featured: 1 if featured, 0 if not featured.
  • _drupalorg.version: Target version of Drupal, as a Composer version.


bool $force: (optional) Whether to always fetch new items or not. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

array An array of announcements from the feed relevant to the Drupal version. The array is empty if there were no matching announcements. If an error occurred while fetching/decoding the feed, it is thrown as an exception.



2 calls to announcements_feed_fetch()
announcements_feed_cron in modules/announcements_feed/announcements_feed.module
Implements hook_cron().
announcements_feed_get_all_announcements in modules/announcements_feed/announcements_feed.inc
Generate an array of announcements with keys.


modules/announcements_feed/announcements_feed.inc, line 92
Announcements feed helper functions.


function announcements_feed_fetch($force = FALSE) {
  $announcements = cache_get('announcements_feed');
  if ($force || empty($announcements)) {
    $announcements_feed_json_url = variable_get('announcements_feed_json_url', ANNOUNCEMENTS_FEED_DEFAULT_JSON_URL);
    $response = drupal_http_request($announcements_feed_json_url);
    if ($response->code == 200) {
      $feeds = json_decode($response->data, TRUE);
      if (!isset($feeds['items'])) {
        watchdog('announcements_feed', 'The feed format is not valid.', NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        throw new Exception('Announcements feed JSON format is invalid');
      $announcements = array();
      if ($feeds['items']) {
        $announcements = $feeds['items'];
      $announcements = array_filter($announcements, 'announcements_feed_filter_announcements');
      cache_set('announcements_feed', $announcements, 'cache', REQUEST_TIME + variable_get('announcements_feed_max_age', ANNOUNCEMENTS_FEED_DEFAULT_MAX_AGE));
    else {
      watchdog('announcements_feed', 'The feed failed to fetch with an error code: @code, error message: @message.', array(
        '@code' => $response->code,
        '@message' => $response->error,
      throw new Exception($response->error, $response->code);
  else {
    $announcements = $announcements->data;

  // The drupal.org endpoint is sorted by created date in descending order.
  // We will limit the announcements based on the configuration limit.
  $announcements_feed_limit = variable_get('announcements_feed_limit', ANNOUNCEMENTS_FEED_DEFAULT_LIMIT);
  $announcements = array_slice($announcements, 0, $announcements_feed_limit);

  // For the remaining announcements, put all the featured announcements
  // before the rest.
  uasort($announcements, 'announcements_feed_sort_featured');
  return $announcements;