function _block_render_blocks

Render the content and subject for a set of blocks.


$region_blocks: An array of block objects such as returned for one region by _block_load_blocks().

Return value

An array of visible blocks as expected by drupal_render().

3 calls to _block_render_blocks()
BlockViewModuleDeltaAlterWebTest::testBlockViewModuleDeltaAlter in modules/block/block.test
Tests that the alter hook is called, even if the delta contains a hyphen.
block_list in modules/block/block.module
Returns all blocks in the specified region for the current user.
dashboard_show_block_content in modules/dashboard/dashboard.module
Ajax callback: Displays the rendered contents of a specific block.


modules/block/block.module, line 858


function _block_render_blocks($region_blocks) {
    $cacheable = TRUE;
    // We preserve the submission of forms in blocks, by fetching from cache only
    // if the request method is 'GET' (or 'HEAD').
        $cacheable = FALSE;
    elseif (!variable_get('block_cache_bypass_node_grants', FALSE) && count(module_implements('node_grants'))) {
        $cacheable = FALSE;
    // Proceed to loop over all blocks in order to compute their respective cache
    // identifiers; this allows us to do one single cache_get_multiple() call
    // instead of doing one cache_get() call per block.
    $cached_blocks = array();
    $cids = array();
    if ($cacheable) {
        foreach ($region_blocks as $key => $block) {
            if (!isset($block->content)) {
                if ($cid = _block_get_cache_id($block)) {
                    $cids[$key] = $cid;
        if ($cids) {
            // We cannot pass $cids in directly because cache_get_multiple() will
            // modify it, and we need to use it later on in this function.
            $cid_values = array_values($cids);
            $cached_blocks = cache_get_multiple($cid_values, 'cache_block');
    foreach ($region_blocks as $key => $block) {
        // Render the block content if it has not been created already.
        if (!isset($block->content)) {
            // Erase the block from the static array - we'll put it back if it has
            // content.
            $cid = empty($cids[$key]) ? NULL : $cids[$key];
            // Try fetching the block from the previously loaded cache entries.
            if (isset($cached_blocks[$cid])) {
                $array = $cached_blocks[$cid]->data;
            else {
                $array = module_invoke($block->module, 'block_view', $block->delta);
                // Valid PHP function names cannot contain hyphens.
                $delta = str_replace('-', '_', $block->delta);
                // Allow modules to modify the block before it is viewed, via either
                // hook_block_view_alter() or hook_block_view_MODULE_DELTA_alter().
                ), $array, $block);
                if (isset($cid)) {
                    cache_set($cid, $array, 'cache_block', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
            if (isset($array) && is_array($array)) {
                foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
                    $block->{$k} = $v;
            if (isset($block->content) && $block->content) {
                // Normalize to the drupal_render() structure.
                if (is_string($block->content)) {
                    $block->content = array(
                        '#markup' => $block->content,
                // Override default block title if a custom display title is present.
                if ($block->title) {
                    // Check plain here to allow module generated titles to keep any
                    // markup.
                    $block->subject = $block->title == '<none>' ? '' : check_plain($block->title);
                if (!isset($block->subject)) {
                    $block->subject = '';
                $region_blocks["{$block->module}_{$block->delta}"] = $block;
    return $region_blocks;

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