Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.7.x modules/block.module \block_box_form()
  2. 5.x modules/block/block.module \block_box_form()
  3. 6.x modules/block/block.module \block_box_form()


modules/block.module, line 353
Controls the boxes that are displayed around the main content.


function block_box_form($edit = array()) {
  $output = form_textfield(t('Block title'), 'title', $edit['title'], 50, 64, t('The title of the block as shown to the user. Leave blank for no title.'));
  $output .= filter_form('format', $edit['format']);
  $output .= form_textarea(t('Block body'), 'body', $edit['body'], 70, 10, t('The content of the block as shown to the user.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Block description'), 'info', $edit['info'], 50, 64, t('A brief description of your block. Used on the <a href="%overview">block overview page</a>.', array(
    '%overview' => url('admin/block'),
  return $output;